2014 Possible Rule Changes


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Again, consider the source. From the mikemulhern.net.....

Elsewhere on the NASCAR front: officials are apparently considering a number of possibly significant rules tweaks for 2014.
Among them:

-- Elimination of the minimum height rule. That would be to end the rather meaningless post-race controversies and penalties for cars being 'too low' after a race. Some worry, though, that such a rule would force teams to discard thousands of dollars of expensive springs. However the current rules have led teams to spend huge sums on very trick springs.

-- Adding roof 'wickers,' similar to used in years past, designed to break up air flow over the roof and presumably make it easier for a trailing car to pass.
Again, consider the source. From the mikemulhern.net.....

Elsewhere on the NASCAR front: officials are apparently considering a number of possibly significant rules tweaks for 2014.
Among them:

-- Elimination of the minimum height rule. That would be to end the rather meaningless post-race controversies and penalties for cars being 'too low' after a race. Some worry, though, that such a rule would force teams to discard thousands of dollars of expensive springs. However the current rules have led teams to spend huge sums on very trick springs.

-- Adding roof 'wickers,' similar to used in years past, designed to break up air flow over the roof and presumably make it easier for a trailing car to pass.
It's on Jayski alsoDP.
It's on Jayski alsoDP.
jayski got it from Mulhern's site.

Remember the days when jayski used to be the main source of info on NASCAR? I know plenty of people still frequent the place, as do I. In the days of Twitter, jayski has turned into a place to get caught up on NASCAR news rather than breaking NASCAR news. jayski still remains the best source on the net IMO as a one stop shop to find your links to the story but the instantaneous reporting of Twitter can't be beat. Just consider the source.
I also heard something about bigger spoilers.. I think they should remove all rules having to do with how the car is set up.. let them do whatever they want, then we'll see some racin!
jayski got it from Mulhern's site.

Remember the days when jayski used to be the main source of info on NASCAR? I know plenty of people still frequent the place, as do I. In the days of Twitter, jayski has turned into a place to get caught up on NASCAR news rather than breaking NASCAR news. jayski still remains the best source on the net IMO as a one stop shop to find your links to the story but the instantaneous reporting of Twitter can't be beat. Just consider the source.
Thanks, but you know personally how technologically challenged I am. :D
Any effort they make to lessen the "clean air" advantage might be a good thing. The first race at Phoenix this year was terrible due to the "aero push". Anxious to see if things have changed for the second race this year. I talked to a lot of fans at the track that were very unhappy after the race.
What should be done is get rid of small spoilers at the Plate tracks, and the stupid cooling package there also, put the wickers on there and see what happens. As for the wickers at the medium tracks...I don't know maybe mess with the front valance and try to get more side force so they don't become unstable as much when passing??
Im pretty sure its next to impossible to get rid of the clean air problem. It's physics. You can't change physics. They can change the way the air comes off the back of the car. But they can't change the fact that it will hit the car in second differently than it hit the car in first. The car in first gets the air from close to the ground and pushes it up and around the car.. no matter what shape these cars are.. the car in second is not going to get the air on the nose the same way as the car in first, for the car in second the air will hit the hood and windshield before the front bumper, and that changes the way the car reacts. One car has air from the ground flowing over it, and the next has the air pushing down on the hood and windshield. I mean Im no physics expert but it's pretty simple. The car in clean air will always have an advantage. The only thing they can try to do is reduce that advantage but it will never completely disappear. Especially if speeds keep increasing.
A rules change that I'd like to see is the rules surrounding qualifying. Last night's luck of the draw had the fastest cars going out towards the end of qualifying, just like what we had last year. That creates a little bit of drama. Certainly more than a S&P closing out the qualifying session. I'd like to see them go back to the fastest teams from practice go at the end of the qualifying session but instead of just using the first practice session as the basis, use all of them leading up to the qualifying session.
The front end rule makes sense. Having the car pop up like a jack in the box after the race to meet minimum height is an expensive techno joke. The teams got around that rule a long time ago. All they are catching them for is when the trick shocks don't rebound. On the track they are as low as they can go.
A rules change that I'd like to see is the rules surrounding qualifying. Last night's luck of the draw had the fastest cars going out towards the end of qualifying, just like what we had last year. That creates a little bit of drama. Certainly more than a S&P closing out the qualifying session. I'd like to see them go back to the fastest teams from practice go at the end of the qualifying session but instead of just using the first practice session as the basis, use all of them leading up to the qualifying session.
I can't remember the driver or race but a car had some damage due to a wreck. That car ended up the fastest car on the track and won or finished top 5. He later said the car handled better after getting air on the damaged area. Im guessing downforce on the front made it stick a bit better. Air and how it affects these cars is crazy.
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