I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
WTF is this ****?

Priorities these days...WHAT THE ****?!
This kid is heading down the same path of self destruction as Miley Cyrus . It would be great if kids could learn from the mistakes of these idols that are placed on pedestals rather than trying to emulate them.
Until he runs into somebody that does have'm.Yeah, but now he'll think he has street cred....
Maybe they had the eco-friendly Prius versions.was on every news show yesterday.
"drag racin" ??? 55 in a 35. he in lamb... / buddy in ferr... ?? reporters !! ha!
Car-lover Leno also took aim at the so-called drag race that led to the Bieber's bust.
"Justin was caught going 60 miles per hour a Lamborghini," Leno teased. "Oooh, 60 miles per hour in a Lamborghini. Hey, Justin! It's called second gear — try it some time."
WTF is this ****?![]()
It's the channel of choice for the left, what do you expect
This thread is about the interruption isn't it?Fox News and CNN also had wall-to-wall coverage. In fact, FNC even managed to somehow blame Obama over this for something. But please, go ahead and blame this all on the left.
This thread is about the interruption isn't it?
At the very least, the interruption was rudeness to the max ---- played out on national TV. The interviewer should be
embarrassed --- although I'll bet she didn't have a say in the matter.
It's Andrea Mitchell - I'm 100% sure she didn't have a say in the matter.
yeah.....plus harmon was in davos........not on-set.