Top 10 Nicknames For Caution Free Pass Winner



10. The Everyone Hates It Until They Use It Pass

9. The driving inefficentcy award

8. The You still Stink Pass

7. Yelow Fellow

6. Passin' Possum

5. Helton's Go Pass

4. No Longer A Threat To Wreck The Leader

3. The Newman Rule

2. Kyle Petty's only chance to finish on the lead lap pass

1. "My car's a dog, and this was lucky, what's wrong with 'Lucky Dog'?"

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I like the Lucky Dog tag myself. Don't think the drivers like the rule because they can't work deals to get their laps back, although when they get the benefit of the rule I doubt if any are going to refuse it.
8. The You Still Stink Pass
Honestly how many times have the same car gotten it multiple times in a race? Sterling at lowes, Craven and Biffle have also gotten it on consectutive cautions I believe.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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