Sooo much happening here


Kurt Busch fan
Aug 2, 2010
Kennewick Washington
Today, I starting taking items with sentimental value out of my house. I packed up my car, the back seat was so full, I couldn't see out of my back window. I made it back to my daughter's without getting pulled over. I had no idea what was in store for me the rest of the day.

I got a call this afternoon. I have a buyer for my house. He is very serious, he wants it. If this goes through, this will take a great deal of stress off me and yes, I will make a nice chunk of change.

Now I'm really going to have to book it and get what I want out.

I am in shock this happened so fast. I was expecting to have to wait a couple months to get this house sold.
Congrats on the pending sale!

The housing market is pretty wild right now. I live just west of Columbus and many houses around here are going into contract the same day they are put on the market. It's crazy.

Where are you moving to?
Congrats on the pending sale!

The housing market is pretty wild right now. I live just west of Columbus and many houses around here are going into contract the same day they are put on the market. It's crazy.

Where are you moving to?

I'm going to Indian Lake.

They buyer definitely wants my house. The contract will probably signed next week.
Congrats on the sale Lisa!

When I moved from the Columbus area back in 2013, it took 4 months to sell my house. I guess times have changed.
Congrats on the sale Lisa!

When I moved from the Columbus area back in 2013, it took 4 months to sell my house. I guess times have changed.

Thank you very much, Yoda.

It has a lot of possibilities and they man who is buying it is a general contractor. He'll fix it up and then sell it, I'm sure.

It's time for me to move on with my life. :)
I am fricken stiff and sore. I did not go to the house today, I needed to rest.

Going back tomorrow.

I did bring back Mocha's ashes with me, yesterday. I feel better with him close.
I got a ton done today. I am satisfied but tired. Back again tomorrow.

The company that is emptying my house is going to be shocked at how organized the upstairs is.

The downstairs is another story.

I remembered to get my Dad's tool box today. He gave it to me years ago along with some of his tools. It's funny the things that come to mean so much to us as we get older.
The buyer and I are signing papers early this week. I will be getting some money then.

I am seeing 2 rentals in the morning at 9 am. I am going to take the one that works best for me. I need to get out of Jennifer's hair. Wish me luck in everything that is going on this week. I am very excited, let's hope it all works out. :)
The buyer and I are signing papers early this week. I will be getting some money then.

I am seeing 2 rentals in the morning at 9 am. I am going to take the one that works best for me. I need to get out of Jennifer's hair. Wish me luck in everything that is going on this week. I am very excited, let's hope it all works out. :)
Congratulations, lisa. Hope all goes smoothly.
When is the housewarming party? :cheers::punkrocke:beerbang:

The place is so small, you all would practically be sitting on one another. lol


This is the view from the back of the house.


95% of the house is cleaned out, took them most of the day. They are coming back tomorrow to finish it.

Signed the contract today, I got some money. The closing will be in 2 weeks.

I ordered a couch and ottoman today. It'll be here in 2 weeks.

The moving company is coming Friday to give me an estimate.

Going tomorrow to make first months rent plus deposit.

Finally progress. :)
Well, the move went pretty well today. I am worn out. My new home is full of boxes. Over the next few weeks, i am going to go through them.

My TV and washer/dryer are being delivered on Thursday.

My new couch and ottoman are due in about 10 days.
Getting new appliances is such great fun!

LOL...I'm a guy who (thinks) he knows about stuff...but the first run on a new washer/dryer setup is so exciting. You get all the stuff together - water income - water outflow - dryer exhaust. You tighten the fittings one last time...and...OMG,OMG, WORKED :cheers:
Man, I had a big day today. Couch, ottoman, tv and new mattress were all delivered. I went through boxes and emptied 9 of them. I am tired out tonight.

The washer/dryer is being delivered on Wednesday.

My couch is beautiful. :)
I am madder than a hornet. My sister had a month to get her stuff out of the garage of my old house. Closing is tomorrow and the buyer wants her stuff out tomorrow.

The damn garage is still full. I am so pissed. She knew this was coming and now, she's crying to me on the phone saying I'm having a panic attack.

So now, here I am calling the movers, who moved my stuff, to see if they can get her in tomorrow. Jesus Christ.

(Sorry to used god's name in vain)
I am madder than a hornet. My sister had a month to get her stuff out of the garage of my old house. Closing is tomorrow and the buyer wants her stuff out tomorrow.

The damn garage is still full. I am so pissed. She knew this was coming and now, she's crying to me on the phone saying I'm having a panic attack.

So now, here I am calling the movers, who moved my stuff, to see if they can get her in tomorrow. Jesus Christ.

(Sorry to used god's name in vain)

I'd just pile it on the street and say "come and get it before someone else does".
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