Cup RACE thread --- Indy

No replays available that show the actual incident, just the aftermath, and the announcers are completely incurious about it.
I wouldn’t be mad if they played more commercials during these yellow flag laps. Holy cow.
Commentators have been slobbering all over the cutline but have they even mentioned that Bubba Wallace has a good chance of winning and that would put a wrench into the narrative?

They’re still drying their eyes over the 48 wrecking out.
Too many yellow flags today. Please someone take out The Ogre
If they eventually return to a better package, I will be glad to watch Indy when it isn't the "regular season finale", so that the actual winner of the Brickyard 400 might matter again instead of the dopey race for 16th in the standings.
Suarez to the 41 was never a winning idea IMO.

Get someone in that car performing well with lesser equipment.
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