Johali's Rate the Cup race --- Richmond

7 I guess. I have no idea honestly. The Truex meltdown was entertaining, but Hamlin should have a penalty
7, everything about it was why I went Friday.
It was a slow burn, and I still don’t think the short track product is where they want it, but the final stage kept me entertained.


Was originally a 7, but watching Truex stall out behind the 1 for 20 laps, and Hamlin stall out behind the 22 for 20 laps brought it to a 6.

Then Truex having a tantrum brought it back up

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8. Dare I say the Action Track might be back? Had a little of everything tonight
242 gadzillion. OUR race. OUR winner. Great intramural fun at the end.
7 was a bit of a mess but had some drama to spice it up and make sure no one was too happy at the end.

I thought this was a good Richmond race. I deducted 1 point for the overtime ending. It’s like watching a really good movie but the ending is just disappointing. I bet I’m the only person that doesn’t mind a race ending under caution😁
Race: 7
NASCAR’s management that absolutely ruined it: 0

So, in all, a 4. The caution for Busch that ruined everyone’s strategy was criminal, tipped only by the last restart that Denny clearly jumped. MTJ was robbed. This track can’t go away fast enough.
2 Ruined by stages and bs cautions along with nascar not calling the jump on the final restart
2, BS late race caution and NASCAR's failure to make the correct restart call ruined an otherwise good race.
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