Chicago 2

Hopefully it's a dry race and we can see if it's going to be a good race or not.
Nascar Sonoma party in Chi Town

A somewhat typical, trendy Northside bar.

Hard to imagine NASCAR finding a place smaller than this joint to do a Chicago Street Race promotion.

If NASCAR was trying to come up with a way to get a larger crowd at the Chicago Xfinity race on July 6th, this just might have people knocking down the gates.

There is a train derailment in Chicago suburbs (Matteson) Officials are telling residents to plan on being away for awhile. Not sure how close this is to the track
There is a train derailment in Chicago suburbs (Matteson) Officials are telling residents to plan on being away for awhile. Not sure how close this is to the track
31 miles
I was highly entertained by the race last year and am looking forward to this year’s event.

It sounds like improvements have been made with street closures taking less time. I also read that the Chicago mayor twisted NASCAR’s arm to kick in 2 million bucks which is a sizable increase over the 650k from last year. Hopefully this will help more citizens to support the weekend or at least quiet some of the naysayers.
You're a birdwatcher, right? Download the Merlin "Bird ID" app if you haven't already.
Thanks, but I've had it for a few years.

If you're using it, don't accept its audio identifications at face value. I use it to tell me what MAY be in the area, so I'll know what to look for; or to confirm an audio identification I've made on my own. If I don't already have a strong idea what the bird call is, or if I don't see the bird for myself, I don't add it to my checklist simply because Merlin detected it. Merlin is an excellent tool when used with discretion, and its audio ID feature is much better than it was when it was first deployed a couple of years ago, but it still makes too many misidentifications to accept its IDs without confirming for yourself.
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