Chicago Street Race Pre-Race Thread

Dude, I have news for you. This stuff happens on every lake in the country that'll float a pontoon. And it's not just the visitors; locals do it to. I've seen it on Lake Mead in Nevada, I've seen it on Lakes Murray and Marion in SC, I've seen on the Intracoastal Waterway in SC and NC.

But you guys go on thinking it's just Chicagoans visiting WI, and that the boaters and fishermen on every other lake in North America are law-abiding, license-toting, Coast Guard Auxiliary-inspected, DMV-registered, and have both working tail lights on the trailers and no beer in the boat.
Big difference between in state people and outstate people, that is the point. Oh yeah, Wisconsin law says you only need one taillight on a trailer and no need for a license under #2k weight. Also have a place in Gulf Shores on the intercoastal, never had a problem with anyone trying to use our dock down there.
The boat registration on bow starts with IL instead of WI
And you've looked at every one of them, and how they act on both sides of the state line. Got it.

As pious as you make Wisconsin boaters out to be, I'm surprised people who can walk on water even bother with boats.
And you've looked at every one of them, and how they act on both sides of the state line. Got it.

As pious as you make Wisconsin boaters out to be, I'm surprised people who can walk on water even bother with boats.
Have no idea as to what happens across the state line in FIBland, do not go there except to drive through it without stopping in the middle of the night or fly over it.
Have no idea as to what happens across the state line in FIBland, do not go there except to drive through it without stopping in the middle of the night or fly over it.
So you have no idea how WI boaters act when out of state. Plenty of people act like asses when they're away from home, across a range of activities.

I used to think everyone from Florida drove like an ass, based on the license plates. Then I found out that people from a lot of state registered their cars in FL because it didn't have a property tax. So what I learned is that property tax cheats drive like asses, which made more sense.
I'm sorry, I missed something. "OUR lake"? You own the whole thing, and there are no other public or private docks?
Only access is the public launch run by the Lake Association, no public docks on the entire lake. It is not a large lake, about 7 miles across at its longest length and a couple of miles wide on the average. It is a natural lake so no DNR dams. There are 103 parking spots at the launch ($17 launch fee per spot, once the spots are taken, no additional boats allowed). Just talked to the Town Hall and got the stats from last week. 7 days, a total of 769 boats were launched. The reason there are more than one per slot is that some people just fish and get off the lake during the day, opening up a spot. Of the 769 boats, 413 were registered in Wisconsin, 298 were registered from Illinois, 42 were from Minnesota, 10 from Iowa, and 6 from Michigan. In addition, our privately paid lake police (part time hired LEOs) made 51 arrests of unauthorized boater on the lake (Then snuck on, usually through someone's private property or middle of the night). Of those 51, forty-one of them were from Illinois.

Oh yeah, should say it was a short week due to three days of rain. Typically, there are over a thousand registrations over a seven-day period during the holiday week.
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