Johali's Rate the Cup race --- Atlanta

The parts of the race I did watch, 9. Good quality for a change. The finish, 0. Once again NASCAR throws a caution that isn't necessary, just like the second Duel at Daytona last week. There was no safety threat, the leaders could've been allowed to race to the finish and then immediately told to slow down. NASCAR has a good race and doesn't know how to get out of its own way.
6 Another drafting track that ends in an anticlimactic caution flag finish. The trucks showed them how it’s done yesterday. Bring on COTA.
The race had comers and goers which is almost always a good thing.

More hp and less df to limit the momentum racing would produce a better result imo.
327 gadzillion, and we are legal eagle! Downforce rules baby!!!!!!!! HELL YES BELL!!!!!!!!!
8.5 - Atlanta produces great racing. NASCAR produces problematic yellow flag finishes. Folks getting restless out yonder with these.
3... most disorganized race I have seen. Should have black flagged the 77 on the third strike, same with the 47.
I won't rate the race as I only watched the last 40 or so laps but Atlantadega undoubtedly produces better racing than Daytona and Talladega.
This is how plate racing is supposed to look like.
Yes. 9 easily, this is what plate racing was in the 1990's
7.5 it was…Atlanta. The flag at the end really sucked the life out of it but Bell won and I don’t hate him so fine.
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