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  1. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    The 2024 season is over. 2024 Charter can now be used as toilet paper. So what exactly does the two teams have that's "saleable"? Buildings?
  2. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    No. Explain it how you see it.
  3. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    If Charters were available for 2.5 million, like when they started, Jr Motorsports would be a Cup team. Junior drug his feet too long.
  4. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Explain the difference. 23xi BOUGHT their Charters. Now, as of Jan 1st, no Charter. Where did it go? Without Charter, how much is "it" worth with "it" being The Team/Business? Not guaranteed to be able to start races. Nascar owns the cars. Exactly what is anyone buying?
  5. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    The 2024 Charter is no more. They didn't sign for a 2025 Charter. You do understand that right?
  6. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    I want to know if NASCAR gets a cut of the cost of the cars/parts. Be really surprised if they don't. They have fairly successfully taken all the profit of racing without incurring any costs.
  7. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    I see it with last line first. Was the #1 reason for their creation. People got tired of losing their azzes when the decided to go home and watch on TV.
  8. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    ?????? You said the teams were free to buy/sell/trade? Now I have no idea what you are saying. But that's not unusual. since:
  9. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

  10. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    What is there to sign? They are going to court over the 2025 thru???? Charter. 23xi and the other dude said, nope. Don't like the terms. Not gonna sign unless you change XYZ. Nascar says, take us to court, final offer. So they did. Now Nascar IS/HAS changed the original text of the new...
  11. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Does NASCAR have to approve a sale of a charter? Yes, NASCAR does have to approve the sale of a charter. The charter system, introduced in 2016, includes provisions that give NASCAR the authority to approve or deny any charter transactions. This is to ensure that the teams involved meet certain...
  12. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    I can see, you aren't a lawyer.
  13. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Don't believe 23xi signed anything.
  14. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Exactly my read.
  15. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    I consider any site that has pop-ups and junk links to trick you to be a garbage site. So yes.
  16. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Man the internet sucks. So much stuff filtered thru garbage websites like the above. Tried to find a better one. Nope. All bad.
  17. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    NASCAR flinched?
  18. KTMLew01

    23XI statement on not signing Charter agreement

    Already surrendered their charters. If they race next season will be as an open car.
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