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  1. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    That comment was hilarious. Most other coaches and players have probably made that same comment :XXROFL: I can think of one person who would argue that: Goodell 🤣
  2. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    I'm a Raiders fan. We aren't talking about a Patriots-level bar of good or bad here lol
  3. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    This sucks. Yeah, at this point I will overlook a multitude of sins for the chance to cheer for a decent football team again. I haven't had that chance for the better part of 20 years. I'm gonna have to youtube some old clips of Lyle Alzado cracking skulls to feel a little better about...
  4. CamelPowered

    Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

    Not for me. It's practically my sole connection to sanity.
  5. CamelPowered

    Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

    Dominique Wilkins was my favorite player in the 80s-early 90s. Those dunk contests between them were amazing.
  6. CamelPowered

    Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

    I'm not a big Bubba, Denny, or Jordan fan. Jordan was always direct competition to my favorites in b-ball; I held a grudge :XXROFL:
  7. CamelPowered

    Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

    I admit to hoping they get going again and someone else wins it.
  8. CamelPowered

    Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

    The "racial slander"? Apparently he didn't get the memo that they solved that mystery.
  9. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    Or for the real LA home team and most popular team in Cali, the Raiders 😜
  10. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    Crazy Swift rumor
  11. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22
  12. CamelPowered

    College Football 2021

    🤣 🤣 🤣
  13. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    I'd still like to see him land somewhere. I know he's better than some of the QBs in the league. I mean, Nathan Peterman is still around for crying out loud lol (and as a backup on my favorite team at that)
  14. CamelPowered

    Dale jr podcast

    After the Spencer and Means episodes, I think they could do an entire "Henry stories" episode
  15. CamelPowered

    Dale jr podcast

    I've just found out about this show. It was a very entertaining podcast imo, and I was thrilled to hear from Mr. E again.
  16. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22
  17. CamelPowered

    NFL 2021-22

    Maybe they should have kept Fitzpatrick?
  18. CamelPowered

    Clarkson's Farm

    I'm looking forward to watching this 🤣
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