01 Truck fails pre race tech - Won't race


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
NASCAR announces that the 01 truck of Larry Foyt did not pass opening-day inspection and will not be allowed to compete in Saturday's event.

Larry Foyt in 01 Daisy Ramiez truck never gets thru tech. Won't qualify. Loses top 25 status. 93 truck now in top 25. All 36 remain in show.

I winder who got the job of telling A.J.? :eek:
i know with everything they got at the track with them these days it sounds stupid, but maybe it was something that was not fixable at the track. I dont know where they get their chassis from but if something was messed up with it and they couldnt fix it at the track that could explain why they arent allowed to race.
Prior to qualifying on Friday, NASCAR said that Foyt’s truck failed to fit the body templates used to regulate critical body dimensions and ensure equal aerodynamic properties between trucks and truck brands. NASCAR did not say where the truck was off spec or by how much.
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