10 Question Jeopardy



Okay, I'm starting a new game...it'll be jeopardy style, however, all "questions" have a different value...we'll do two rounds, and then final jeopardy. Of course, I'll try to do one question a day, but if no one plays, I'll just stop. By everyday, i mean weekday. Also, the first person to answer correctly (in question form) gets the points. At the end of ten questions, we'll have a final round, in which, you have a few days to post your wager (of money you earned) and when all are in, I'll post the final answer, then PM me with your questions...after all are in, I'll post final scores.
any questions? Who wants to play? I'll start the posting on Monday Feb 2.
I'll take the lack of interest as a big negatory...oh well.
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