14 sets of twins graduate at same high school

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
14 sets of twins are set to graduate from William Tennent High School in Warminster on June 20th.

The graduates include five sets of male twins, seven sets of male/female twins and two sets of female twins.

“If you're in a room with a twin or you see a twin, it's an instant connection because you understand what it's like,” said senior Cassie Baner.

“We think it’s so funny everyone thinks '14 sets of twins,' but we're one of them, so we just think "Oh, another set,” said twin Matt Alden.

14 sets of twins with an assortment of personalities and likes and dislikes.

“I had people who have known us for 4 years, and didn't know we were twins. We look nothing alike,” said senior Matt Baner.

But the Patel brothers say they've taken advantage of their identical looks.

“One time we switched classes and no one knew. I think we can do that this year, right?" said senior Sanchit Patel

Twin power at Tennent is mighty strong, 8 sets are graduating in the top 10 percent of their class of 485 students.

"Sports-wise, we'll do whatever it takes to win," said Matt Alden.

While others realize that it is time to go their separate ways.

“He doesn't realize yet that we're going to be separated, and I'm an emotional mess about it,” said Cassie Baner.

Together or apart, these twins say they have a bond as tight as steel.

That sounds like something you'd see around here. There's a city in this area called Twinsburg, Ohio. They have an annual Twins Days Festival the first full weekend of every August and multiples (twins, triplets, quads, etc.) from all over the world show up with their families. I don't like crowds, so I've never been. But, a lot of people go and they swear it's a great time.
Last fall one of my daughter's friends had twins, my daughter had twin boys on 4-4-14 and she's recently learned another friend is pregnant with twins due later this fall. All live within a mile or two of each other.
Something in the water?
Last fall one of my daughter's friends had twins, my daughter had twin boys on 4-4-14 and she's recently learned another friend is pregnant with twins due later this fall. All live within a mile or two of each other.
Something in the water?
I don't know, but I think I'd try the water. I've always thought twins were really cool. I have cousins who are twin sisters. They aren't identical, far from it. One is beautiful and the other one is, um, rather unfortunate looking to say the least, despite being born like 1 minute and 52 seconds apart. The beautiful one is incredibly smart as well, while the other one is, um, well, let's just say, not so much.
Ben, two completely different personalities. They aren't identical twins. Nolan is aka Col Cranky Pants, Logan is Mr Mellow. @ 10 weeks, guess who is who.....
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