150 mph in 4th gear with wheel spin

Got a friend of mine that has a 1992 Ford Taurus that can do that. He's putting down 740hp to the wheels and it's a v-6
A 1992 V-6 Taurus can do that? Hit 186 mph in under 14 seconds? Even 150 mph in under 14 seconds. Excuse me if I appear extremely doubtful.
I need one of these,,like a hole in the head!

that thing is freaking awesome! The hell with the lost second or 2 on shifting, it's more exciting than all the double clucth, paddle shifting techno crap. I would say the only thing that will keep it from beating the Veyron's top speed is it's 2,700 weight, which is 1,500 less.
Yeah, it's a shame I don't have a spare 1.2 million lying around.
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