Well i made it, and thank God for finacial aid! In the bookstore today i spent $286.37 of it. My math book was 96 bucks! how come them books cant be cheeper?
The only good thing that happand today was when i was seating in my 4th and final class this girl walked in. (i seen her earlyer today and everting we would met as we walked past each orther she would say "hi" and i would say it back.....im am over comming my shyness) well as we walked out of class i walked over to her and we talked to a few mins, so maybe i made me a friend today....BTW her name is Steph! (at least i got her name :lol: )
Dont know what im goin to do tomm, since i have no class. Thursday is my b-day. so still got a few days to get the card in the mail, lol haha, and firday going to see ZZ TOP!!
BTW, was watching inside nextel cup and Schrader "he did a hell, Heck of a job"
Ya'll take it easy
The only good thing that happand today was when i was seating in my 4th and final class this girl walked in. (i seen her earlyer today and everting we would met as we walked past each orther she would say "hi" and i would say it back.....im am over comming my shyness) well as we walked out of class i walked over to her and we talked to a few mins, so maybe i made me a friend today....BTW her name is Steph! (at least i got her name :lol: )
Dont know what im goin to do tomm, since i have no class. Thursday is my b-day. so still got a few days to get the card in the mail, lol haha, and firday going to see ZZ TOP!!
BTW, was watching inside nextel cup and Schrader "he did a hell, Heck of a job"
Ya'll take it easy