2005 Nextel Cup Champion

Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace or Jimmie Johnson..... i work on the circuit has a souvinor vendor, i look at sales... Roush Racing Sales are down a lot from last season, Kurt Busch was one of the worst Championship drivers.... Mark Martin sales are up becuase of the salute 1 tour, but the salute 2 tour begins in Febraury for his last season...... Carl Edwards is a good driver but wont do it, sales arent jumping off the roofs.... Jimmie Johnson, only hendrick driver in their, he got some good tracks comming up were he kicks a at.... he is going to be the top 2 driver of sales if he wins it.. Rusty Wallave is my choose, last full time season in the circuit, revanue sales are up 85% from last season, he is going to dominate and take the championship in is final year
tony stewart...can't bet against him...but I'd like to see Mayfield win it...shut a few mouths.
Johnson may be playing snake, Newman could go on a tear and it seems as though Kenseth finally has his **** together but I'd never bet against Stewart when it's on the line.
97forever said:
Stewart's streak ended four races ago. Biffle has outpointed him since then. Given that, my money is on Greg.

and so did Biff's cause its going to come down between Tony and Jimmie! :p
With 5 teams in the field and a number of test dates to dispose of, it would be hard to bet against a Roush team taking it for the 3rd year in a row. Go Mark Martin.
Patrick16_Kahne_Crocker98 said:
Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace or Jimmie Johnson..... i work on the circuit has a souvinor (SOUVENIR) vendor, i look at sales... Roush Racing Sales are down a lot from last season, Kurt Busch was one of the worst Championship drivers.... Mark Martin sales are up becuase of the salute 1 tour, but the salute 2 tour begins in Febraury for his last season...... Carl Edwards is a good driver but wont do it, sales arent jumping off the roofs.... Jimmie Johnson, only hendrick driver in their, he got some good tracks comming up were he kicks a at.... he is going to be the top 2 driver of sales if he wins it.. Rusty Wallave is my choose, last full time season in the circuit, revanue sales are up 85% from last season, he is going to dominate and take the championship in is final year

This is certainly a different way to project a NASCAR Champion. Look at sales volume of each drivers souvenirs!!!

It is worthy to note how many people predict from the heart (or sales ) rather than the head. And this is not the first time the male gender has been accused of thinking with parts below the neck.

It is foolish to cast predictions based on sentiment (He's been around al long time), who you would like to see win (the heart theory), or sales (the sales volume theory) think of who has a REALISTIC chance to win.

Tony Stewart, came with guns blazing since June. If he keeps on keeping on, he'll win.

Jimmy Johnson has been struggling due to bad luck and it just seems like the car is missing something in recent weeks. Possibly soon, just not this year.

Kurt Busch, good possibility as he has been on the edge all year. 50/50 chance.

Greg Biffle, Another serious contender who is more hungry than Busch and possibly Stewart. I give him the edge over Busch and it is neck and neck with Stewart.

Rusty Wallace, the only thing going for Rusty is being a sentimental fan favorite but he won't win. Rusty screws himself too much.

Mark Martin, steady but too nice a guy. Mark needs to remember the tactics of Dale Earnhardt and if Mark recalls those tactics, all bets are off. It might only take one aggressive move and Mark could very easily win. OR, he could be another Harry Gant.

Jeremy Mayfield, a longshot at best and for no special reason. Jeremy just doesn't seem to have it in the overall scheme of things.

Ryan Newman, drives the wheels off and that is what he will do, drive the wheels off and ya can't win without wheels.

Matt Kenseth, could very easily be the sleeper. Or the spoiler.

Carl Edwards, good driver but not polished enough to withstand the pressure of winning the NASCAR championship. One or two more years in the hunt and look out.
97forever said:
Stewart's streak ended four races ago. Biffle has outpointed him since then. Given that, my money is on Greg.

Last time i checked Tony was still on his 12th straight top 10's. He is still on his streak and he will cont that into the Chase. He is my pick.
Patrick16_Kahne_Crocker98 said:
Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace or Jimmie Johnson..... i work on the circuit has a souvinor vendor, i look at sales... Roush Racing Sales are down a lot from last season, Kurt Busch was one of the worst Championship drivers.... Mark Martin sales are up becuase of the salute 1 tour, but the salute 2 tour begins in Febraury for his last season...... Carl Edwards is a good driver but wont do it, sales arent jumping off the roofs.... Jimmie Johnson, only hendrick driver in their, he got some good tracks comming up were he kicks a at.... he is going to be the top 2 driver of sales if he wins it.. Rusty Wallave is my choose, last full time season in the circuit, revanue sales are up 85% from last season, he is going to dominate and take the championship in is final year

OH have they change the Chase format again? Is it now a fan vote?

I think Carl is going to turn some heads and surprise a lot of people with how well he does in this chase. Has any other driver in their first full year in Cup won the Championship? I think Tony still holds the record for Rookies as far as stats go. I know technically Carl isn't a rookie, but he still only ran 10 races last year.

I really do think it'll come down to a hard fought 3 way battle in the end with Stewart, Biffle and Edwards, and I don't dare pick one over the other. Nothing scientific to base this on, just a strong gut feeling.
Ahhh, Dale.. no. Jeff... nope. Well, I'm saying Ryan Newman. Hey, you never know till the checkered flag.
hooray for Greg Biffle as well. Sure, I'd like to see mayfield win it, but I likes the Biff even better.
Caboose said:
Ahhh, Dale.. no. Jeff... nope. Well, I'm saying Ryan Newman. Hey, you never know till the checkered flag.

I think Newman definitely has a shot!!! Go Ryan!
I'd like to see a driver that has proven himself win the title, like Tony stewart. Not Mayfield or Jimmie Johnson. They seem to be mediocre drivers with good teams.
mediocre my ass. ^

Jimmie Johnson has this championship won. Kurt Bush is out, thank God. Carl Edwards' chance is up unless he has one gigantic streak of good luck. The Roush drivers are just trying too hard. If I had to choose a Ford to win, then it would be Mark Martin, only because he deserves it. Tony Stewart's streak is up. He isn't going to win. Jimmie has another chance, and he isn't going to let this one slip away if he can help it. 2 second place title finishes in a row. He can taste it now.
wow....a JJ fan saying that JJ has already won the championship ....no way!!!
Yeah, that is the one thing that is scaring these ten drivers to death right now. Everybody from Busch to Johnson. The Big One.
Theses 10 drivers, more like every driver, no driver wants to be caught up in the Big One.
I'm betting the 48 takes it.

They've been great all year with their 'down' cycle right before the chase (all drivers hit a low point during the season) and now they're on the upswing. Watch out.

48 by at LEAST 50 points.
Smoke1TS20 said:
Theses 10 drivers, more like every driver, no driver wants to be caught up in the Big One.

Uh, don't you think that is kind of obvious? I know that there isn't a driver out there who wants to be caught up in the big one, but believe me, those 10 drivers competing for the title are more worried than any of the others out there.
Even tho I generally pull for Jimmie it might be nice for 'The Biff' to win. It would really stick it to NASCAR and the other teams. Biffle, Busch, and Kenseth are hardly poster kids for NASCAR. They did at least get some mileage advertising wise when Tony won but since what have they had. And, for Rousch to take the Championship again a lot of owners would be screaming for changes.
If Mark or Rusty wins then it is a huge win for NASCAR. NASCAR would do OK with Tony or Jimmie. Carl is too new for them to get much exposure with. Ryan is more photogenic than Matt but not by much.
I'll bet France and his cronies are laying awake at night pondering the possibilities and how to overcome any negatives.
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