2015 Razzies


Team Owner
Feb 24, 2013
Nashville, TN
Around Oscar time every year, I always enjoy seeing who is nominated for the "Razzies", the anti-Oscars which award the worst in cinema from the previous year. Here were "winners", as announced this past Saturday:

Worst Picture: Saving Christmas

Worst Actor: Kirk Cameron (Saving Christmas)

Worst Actress: Cameron Diaz (The Other Woman/Sex Tape)

Worst Supporting Actor: Kelsey Grammer (The Expendables 3)

Worst Supporting Actress: Megan Fox (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Worst Director: Michael Bay (Transformers 4)

Worst Screen Combo: Kirk Cameron & his ego (Saving Christmas)

Worst Screenplay: Saving Christmas

Worst Remake, Ripoff, or Sequel: Annie

I've never seen any of these cinematic masterpieces, but that Kirk Cameron flick must have been REALLY bad. The full list of nominees is at www.razzies.com
I don't know anything about most of those but the ones I do know about and agree with are:

Worst Actress: Cameron Diaz (The Other Woman/Sex Tape)
Worst Supporting Actor: Kelsey Grammer (The Expendables 3)
Worst Remake, Ripoff, or Sequel: Annie
I read a couple synopses on Saving Christmas, and man does that movie look like a colossal piece of sh!t. I might have to watch it just for the train wreck factor.
I read a couple synopses on Saving Christmas, and man does that movie look like a colossal piece of sh!t. I might have to watch it just for the train wreck factor.

I may watch it with a few friends and record us making fun of it.
It got a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.com, don't think I've ever seen that before.

I wrote this on a friend's FB wall and I think it sums up Kirk Cameron's movie pretty well.

The film was always going to have a very limited audience, the only people who were going to watch it were people who already thinks in the same way that Kirk Cameron does. The film was never going to change anyone's mind, simply reinforces the audience's POV.

Which is honestly, the biggest problem with these Christian movies. I have watched "Gods Not Dead" and the only thing I took away from that is that Kirk Cameron been reading too many chick tracts and that the movie was tropey as all Hell. Never once did the movie try to make a convincing argument, because it had none. It was simply a movie that reinforced a certain POV of the world.

And apparently in that world, atheist are just really really mad at Yahweh and Christians hiding their faith in the face of persecution = Martyr, a person of any other faith doing the same thing = Hell bound lost soul.
I wrote this on a friend's FB wall and I think it sums up Kirk Cameron's movie pretty well.

The film was always going to have a very limited audience, the only people who were going to watch it were people who already thinks in the same way that Kirk Cameron does. The film was never going to change anyone's mind, simply reinforces the audience's POV.

Which is honestly, the biggest problem with these Christian movies. I have watched "Gods Not Dead" and the only thing I took away from that is that Kirk Cameron been reading too many chick tracts and that the movie was tropey as all Hell. Never once did the movie try to make a convincing argument, because it had none. It was simply a movie that reinforced a certain POV of the world.

And apparently in that world, atheist are just really really mad at Yahweh and Christians hiding their faith in the face of persecution = Martyr, a person of any other faith doing the same thing = Hell bound lost soul.
At least with movies like God's Not Dead and Heaven Is For Real, they struck a chord with their target audience. Apparently, even devout Christians were turned off by Saving Christmas. From what I've read, the movie starts with Kirk Cameron breaking the fourth wall and lecturing the audience for about the first 15 minutes. Then the bulk of the rest of the movie takes place in a parked car, where Kirk is trying to set his brother-in-law straight. Then the movie concludes with a "dance party" and a 10-minute blooper reel.

I swear I'm not making that up.
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