#22 and Springs



There is a tale about that once again at Atlanta the #22 team found itself using front springs which were unapproved. The springs were found in the first inspections on Friday.

Report is that Ward was very unhappy and was in the NASCAR trailer demanding to be shown exactly why the springs violated the rules. The story goes on that as he waited Ray Evernham came out of the NASCAR office and Ward asked Ray to show him what was wrong with the springs. Ray is said to have replied "I don't have time, I'm fighting for my own life."

No clue what was meant by that statement.

Since I have seen no mention of the springs being confiscated or any further action, I suppose NASCAR and Ward figured their end of the deal out.
Originally posted by HardScrabble
The story goes on that as he waited Ray Evernham came out of the NASCAR office and Ward asked Ray to show him what was wrong with the springs. Ray is said to have replied "I don't have time, I'm fighting for my own life."

No clue what was meant by that statement.

Ray's probably still trying to get out of the Casey Atwood deal....:rolleyes:
Might mean just what it sez. Oh jeez, wouldn't THAT be amazing?:D
I wonder if the #22 will lose points. Seems to be a trend.
And maybe Evernham was fighting against a rules infraction one of his teams got?
Originally posted by 71Fan
Might mean just what it sez. Oh jeez, wouldn't THAT be amazing?:D

Jeeez, ya really think Ray's life was in peril? Yes that would be most amazing.
Originally posted by HardScrabble
Jeeez, ya really think Ray's life was in peril? Yes that would be most amazing.

NASCAR has a hit team?:eek:

I'm joking, people.
Maybe all Ward's infractions stem from he and Frankie speaking different languages. :p
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
Maybe all Ward's infractions stem from he and Frankie speaking different languages.  :p
That could be the case:) Think Nascar will buy it?:)
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
Maybe all Ward's infractions stem from he and Frankie speaking different languages.  :p

Maybe all Ward has to say is that he didn't understand what Frankie said and just agreed to keep from hurting his feelings. Think that will work?
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