#3 Could be used again



Car owner Richard Childress says there could be a day when a #3 car returns to NASCAR's top series, but it's not likely to happen soon. Childress retains the rights to the number -- made famous by the late Dale Earnhardt -- but has not used it in a Cup race since Earnhardt's death in the 2001 Daytona 500. "I don't think the stylized 3 should ever be brought back to racing unless it was a special, special event for an Earnhardt or a family member or something, but I don't see it coming back full time,'' Childress said. What about somebody using a #3 that is styled differently than what adorned Earnhardt's cars? "I would hope everyone would respect that and not want to do that," Childress said.(News and Record)(
I was under the impression a car number had to be used in order to be maintained. When fans wanted to retire the number 43, NASCAR would not let the number be retired saying they had to keep all 100 numbers available.

Richard Petty offered to register the number but not use it, and NASCAR stated any number registered had to be used, that is why it is on a car run by PEI today.

Or does Childress own the rights to the number 3 as it was displayed on the race car but does not own it as a registered owner thereby making it available to someone else who might want to use it as long as it is used in a different format.

Unless my memory fails me, it was NASCAR's declaration a number could not be taken by a car owner and not used.

Anybody more familiar with this than me ???
As far as I know, NASCAR gives RC the first chance each year to use the number. If he doesn't, then it's open to any other team.

I don't think anyone has the nerve to try to use that number.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@May 29 2004, 11:49 AM
I don't think anyone has the nerve to try to use that number.
I don't think anyone should try to use that Number at least I hope not, Unless it is Jr or even Kerry or another Earnhardt. I still think they should retire his number and the Kings number. These two have meant alot to this sport and pretty much put this sport into where it is today :cheers:
I don't think Richard Childress has any real legal right to the number. But NASCAR is allowing him to the sentimental right for now. Probably discouraging interest in the obtaining the number by anyone else..........and I think that's a good decision. As time goes on it'll become less of an issue and someday there will be a number 3 car on the track again..........but probably not anytime soon. I doubt Jr or Kerry would race that number......niether could nor do they want to fill their father's shoes. I admire Richard Childress for his opting to keep the number and not race it. And I also admire NASCAR for not pushing the issue. And I also admire the team owners for not challenging Richard's and NASCAR's decision.
Let Anyone use the #3,it's just a number,other great drivers have passed away on and off the track and yet no mention of retiring Their car numbers. :eek:
Besides,Dale Earnhardt Sr.,and Richard Petty for that matter,have both ran and won in different car numbers anyway. ;)
24thunder, I don't think the shock of losing DE has worn off, yet.

Perhaps, in time, it will.

Dale Jr has said that maybe in the future he'd like to run the number.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@May 30 2004, 09:59 AM
24thunder, I don't think the shock of losing DE has worn off, yet.

Perhaps, in time, it will.

Dale Jr has said that maybe in the future he'd like to run the number.
Not Everyone adored Dale Earnhardt Sr.,contrary to popular belief.
I was stating My opinion,not saying it's right or wrong,but it's My opinion!btw,Dale Sr. didn't win all 7 Championships in that #3 car :p
Hate him or like him.. like other champs.. you have to respect him for his accomplishments.
Originally posted by 24thunder@May 30 2004, 01:05 AM
Let Anyone use the #3,it's just a number,other great drivers have passed away on and off the track and yet no mention of retiring Their car numbers. :eek:
Besides,Dale Earnhardt Sr.,and Richard Petty for that matter,have both ran and won in different car numbers anyway. ;)
Agreed. He didn't invent the sport nor walk on water. His loss is a tragedy and was very much too soon. But let's not build him or the number or the name or anything else into more than it really was. He was a great driver, no denying it. One of many before him and many since.

The special rules exceptions have been around too long IMO.
Oh, goodness, I'm certainly not saying that Dale was loved by all. Heck, I even disliked a lot of the things he did. And he did win in numbers other than #3.

All I'm saying is that no team right now feels like putting that number back on the track.
I don't think the #3 will be back on a Cup car for at least another 10 years.
I don't think any team or driver has the ego to try to put the 3 back on the track. Jr. should stay with the 8 since that is what he has used to make his mark and it honors his grandfather. In a few years someone will try to put a 3 car back on the track, but the first one or two that do will be instant villans for doing it. I had hoped that the 43 would also be retired when Richard did, but since it didn't and the world didn't end I don't think that the 3 ought to be retired either. Maybe they should just put a 10 year retirement on a number to let the feelings die down some.
I personally don't see the point in retiring it. I see the sentiment for doing so, but it just doesn't make sense in the long run. Richard Petty won the same amount of championships and nearly 3 times as many races as Dale did. They didn't retire his number, and I don't think they should have.

Once you start retiring numbers, where does it stop?

Should Rusty's # be retired when he hangs it up? He has won a lot of races.

How about Awesome Bill? He was the most popular of all time according to voting.

I don't think using the #3 immediately would be a good PR move for whatever team did it, but I think it is just a matter of time before someone does.

I just hope it's not Toyota who uses it first <_<
The Earnhardts aren't the only people who have ever raced a car.

If the number holds such esteem, perhaps it should be offered to someone based on merit - not by name
The #3 is not owned by anyone. RCR ownes the rights to the #3 like Dale ran on the side of hes car. Anyone can run the three as long as it dont look like that one. I read that in a paper one day.
I think it's reasonable to not use the number of a driver that was killed while racing for a couple of years...but not forever.

We have to respect the driver, the team and the family. I think a couple of years handles this with dignity.

Just as we don't expect a widow to never re-marry, we should allow for a time of rememberance and then move on.

Just think of the honor and prestige that would be associated with that number...it would most likely benefit both the family and Nascar as a whole to see the number running again!
When I said to let any team use the #3 again,I was talking about a regular 3,as far as I'm concerned the stylised #3 that Dale Earnhardt Sr. actually ran could be retired,the differences between the regular #3 and the stylised #3 are enough IMHO so as to not bring up too many bad memories for the #3 fans. ;)
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