31 Guest....


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
There are 31 guest on right now... It is a lot more fun when you join in the posting. Come on we don't bite...Well we keep Bow and 97 up to date on their shots :p but the rest of us are pretty friendly. Stop lurking and start posting....
Originally posted by DeeDee@Oct 6 2003, 06:10 AM
There are 31 guest on right now... It is a lot more fun when you join in the posting. Come on we don't bite...Well we keep Bow and 97 up to date on their shots :p but the rest of us are pretty friendly. Stop lurking and start posting....
Hey, we resemble those remarks. :blink: :wacko: :cheers:
Cutie pie...I like that...you really have a way with the ladies don't you Bow. ^_^ :rolleyes:
It's way to early for all this mushy kissy stuff! But your really smart keeping the girls on your side!

I'm still not sure on the biting, I want to see those shot records! lol
I quit biting when Marv Albert got in so much trouble. :lol:
It would be great to see some added company on the forum. I welcome all our guests and new members.
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