50's Car Test

71 percent
88% 42 of 48, I was born in 43 and we grew up having pride in who could name any car at a distance, I'm a damn site rusty now, must a been a lot of luck.
You got 98% (47 right out of 48). The average score is 73%.

Kaiser Manhatten got me
You got 98% (47 right out of 48). The average score is 73%.

Kaiser Manhatten got me

No, I got them all correct. There is no way it could only be one wrong. Making one wrong selection meant another selection would have to be wrong. The test doesn't allow you to skip over one answer.
No, I got them all correct. There is no way it could only be one wrong. Making one wrong selection meant another selection would have to be wrong. The test doesn't allow you to skip over one answer.

C'MON MAN! I was honest with a 35% and someone gets TWO wrong and tries cheating??? Not cool:D
C'MON MAN! I was honest with a 35% and someone gets TWO wrong and tries cheating??? Not cool:D
I got 88% and did a double take, slapped the computer to make sure it was working properly, looked again it was still 88%, said I'm good.
C'MON MAN! I was honest with a 35% and someone gets TWO wrong and tries cheating??? Not cool:D

Here's what's not cool, suggesting someone is cheating, even in jest. What I said was, I almost
screwed the pooch on that choice. The determining factor was remembering the hood ornament of the Willy's.

I wouldn't expect a youngster like yourself to get as good a score as an old guy who lived in that era. Learning about cars was easy back then, from the '40's through the '50's. Every September dealers had a big show of new models. Trailers arrived at dealerships with new model cars covered. These were unloaded in a secluded area if the dealer had one. Otherwise we stood around and waited until they uncovered them for unloading. The cars were stored in the furthest corner of the garage until show day! Big advertisements in the local paper and it was a highlight in the small town, population 900, I lived in. We had a Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac and GMC, Diamond T, Dodge, Plymouth and Hudson dealers. It was one big round of parties for a kid eight to fifteen. And salesmen made cold calls to try to sell a car. Drove the newest model right in the dooryard, unannounced, and tried to sell you a new car.
BTW, how I knew about the quiz not letting you continue was because one of the easier selections, the four different years of Chevrolets, I clicked the circles so quickly I missed one but failed to realize it. When I hit the continue button, the message appeared telling me to fill in all answers before continuing.
You got 98% (47 right out of 48). The average score is 73%.

Kaiser Manhatten got me

There is no way it could only be one wrong. Making one wrong selection meant another selection would have to be wrong. The test doesn't allow you to skip over one answer.

C'MON MAN! I was honest with a 35% and someone gets TWO wrong and tries cheating??? Not cool:D

Here's what's not cool, suggesting someone is cheating, even in jest.

Surely you jest:D
No link needed here SST. I was having a little fun with Pisser's quote of your post but obviously his man panties are wadded up in his as*hole and blocking his vision.

That, is exactly what happened. Wish you had mentioned it before I jumped into the fire. Now my ego is toast.
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