#99 Seeking Sponsor Approval



Roush Racing is seeking NASCAR's approval for a liquor company to sponsor its #99 Ford for Jeff Burton, this week's issue of NASCAR Scene reports. NASCAR officials said earlier this season that the sanctioning body had no intention of changing its policies prohibiting sponsorship from hard liquor distillers, but Roush President Geoff Smith says the proposed sponsorship has been submitted. "They've only given an indication that they are reviewing [the policy against hard liquor sponsorships]," Smith said. The story does not name the proposed sponsor for the team.(NASCAR Scene Daily Newsletter)

I hope that it is Jose Quervo.... you know.. part of that diversity program...LOL :cheers:
i don't understand why hard liquor isn't okay while they were just fine and dandy with a tobacco company as the primary sonsor for plenty of years...nevertheless, Budweiser, Miller, Coors et al have sponsorship deals...perhaps NASCAR feels that "Beer ain't drinkin'" but I've been more hammered from beer than liquor before...
You have Smirnoff Ice out there. Why not Southern Comfort? or Jack Daniels? Or Jim Beam?
smirnoff ice is a malted beverage, not hard liquor...

i dont see a real problem with liquor sponsors either
This is weird. Not even borderline weird. They'll allow viagra but not booze...the puritans are out of control.
Don't see what the problem is. You can just as drunk on Bud, Coors or Miller as you can on Jack Daniels. I always wandered why a county call itself Dry and sold beer. It a double standard. :lol:
Hey 4ex Dan Wheldon who is a IRL driver . His main sponsor is Jim Beam.
Don't understand why the stand against hard stuff. We can have all the beer that we want and Viagra on top of that, but for some reason the hard stuff is bad?
I'd like to see the Crown Royal Ford, That would be awesome :cheers:
USAToday Burton hard liquor sponsor update

The team has a deal in place with hard liquor manufacturer Diageo, but it is contingent on NASCAR changing a policy that traces back to television networks' voluntary ban on hard liquor ads — a longstanding policy that is eroding as liquor ads show up on cable TV.

As most people on this site agree that there really isn't a difference between hard liquor and beer.

Beer before liquor ever sicker.
Liquor before beer in the clear.

Maybe that's the thinking of nascar.
I'm not sure what type of image Nascar is trying to maintain since the sport is already flooded with beer advertisers, but I doubt you are going to see a hard liquor sponsor on any nascar car any time soon. Nascar may not always be consistent, but they have been consistent on their hard liqour policy over the years.

One example is when Smirnoff rum wanted to sponsor Geoffrey Bodine in the #09 James Finch Ford about 3 years ago, but the deal fell through b/c Nascar wouldn't allow it. Although malt liqours are now allowed, even that took some time to argue with Nascar to allow.
I'm absolutely sure the TV networks policies play heavily into this as well. All the major broadcast networks don't do hard liquor ads. Some cable networks are starting to run them only after 9 pm.

It might not make any sense to us to differentiate between beer and liquor, but it is done starting at the governmental level. The laws governing the sale of beer and liquor differ in just abotu every state I'm aware of. Most states you can't buy liquor by the bottle except at a specialty store whereas you can buy beer at the corner market.
Personally, I think he should run a companion deal to Martin's Viagra car and get Victoria's Secret as a sponsor, and then announce an all female pit crew. He'd sell more t-shirts in one weekend than any driver in history.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Jun 23 2004, 12:15 PM
Personally, I think he should run a companion deal to Martin's Viagra car and get Victoria's Secret as a sponsor, and then announce an all female pit crew. He'd sell more t-shirts in one weekend than any driver in history.
I would support that! :waver:
I know if NASCAR lets team running sexual adverstising on cars. So why not hard liquor. I can understand their reasons, this being a family sport.
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