A Guy is sitting at a bar when this Blonde Walks in ........


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
This guy is sitting at a bar when a blonde walks in and asks if the vacant stool alongside him is taken.
He said, "no, have a seat." The blonde sat and ordered a beer.
The guy was watching teevee just as the late night news came on and the lead story was a guy standing on the edge of the tallest building in the city, threatening to jump.
The blonde says to the guy, "I'll bet you twenty bucks the guy doesn't jump.
The guy says, "I'll take that bet." She slides a twenty toward him and he puts his twenty in..
No sooner than they seal the deal, the guy on the roof does a near perfect swan dive off the building.
The blonde turns to the guy and said, "DAMN! Oh well, I Believe in paying my debts. You win the bet. Here's my twenty."
The guy slides it back to her and said, " Honey, I can't take you money. I saw this on the five o'clock news."
The blonde said, " Yeh, I saw it then too but I didn't think the guy would do it twice."

The guy kept her money.
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