A little to far?



PITTSBURGH — A second-grader was suspended for a day for telling a classmate he would go to hell for saying, "I swear to God."

Brandy McKenith, 7, was suspended for swearing for saying the word "hell," but her family says she was referring to the biblical location of fire and brimstone. She served the suspension Tuesday.

The Pittsburgh Public Schools' (search) student code of conduct prohibits profanity, but doesn't provide a definition, spokeswoman Pat Crawford said. The school would not comment further.

Brandy's father, Wayne McKenith, said when he learned about the suspension, he thought perhaps his daughter had said something worse, so he called the teacher for details. He was told another student overheard his daughter say the word.

"I said, `Hell? She got suspended for that?"' McKenith said.

He said he asked the school to evaluate its profanity policy.

"`Hell' is like the least of the words in school today," McKenith said. "You go home and turn on the TV tonight and tell me how many times you hear the word 'hell.' And I mean network TV, not even cable."

Without a clear definition, the district could run into problems enforcing the policy, said Witold Walczak, legal director of the Greater Pittsburgh chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (search).

"The school's policy says 'no profanity' and that's not further defined," Walczak said. "How should this little girl know that `hell' is not allowed?"

"It's questionable whether `hell' is even a profanity, and it certainly isn't in the way that she used it," he added.

McKenith, a suburban Pittsburgh police detective, said family members aren't "religious fanatics," but there's a healthy respect for the Lord, so he accepts her daughter's explanation.

"She's under the assumption that good people go to heaven and ... bad people go to hell," he said Wednesday.


People really need to get real, Sometimes I just don't understand.
A little girl get kicked out of school for saying Hell. And you can hear worst on Disney. Something is wrong with this picture. :angry:
That is being a little extreme, as far as I'm concerned. Yes, there are certainly more appropriate ways that the child could have dealt with it, BUT we are dealing with a 7 year old child here. NOT a teenager. And, this child was "ratted out" by another student. Not a teacher. The school should have called her parents immediately and had them come to the school and discuss the discipline option(s). And, yes there should be more than one type of discipline for this type of situation. The father is correct in requesting the school to evaluate it's profanity policy. Punishment should fit the "crime". And in this instance, I don't see that that happened. I would have been outraged, to say the least.

*****off soapbox now*****

I say hell all the time and hell, I dont get punished for saying hell. To hell with those hellish elementary school board members.
all in the name of political correctness :rolleyes:

I think vulgarity is something children should have practice with at an early age...this will avoid that awkward period where "You damn hell!" sounds cool, instead of sounding ill formed, like it is.
This is absurd! A 7 year old expressing her honest feelings in typical Biblical language? Hell, my kids heard and said worse things before they were 5 (and what kid doesn't when surrounded by that language at home).

Bring on the ACLU!
Originally posted by kat2220@Feb 4 2004, 09:57 PM

Bring on the ACLU!
No...please...not that....anything but that....I beg of you....this situation is already screwy enough without those blithering idiots getting involved.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum+Feb 4 2004, 09:20 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (EatMorePossum @ Feb 4 2004, 09:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--kat2220@Feb 4 2004, 09:57 PM

Bring on the ACLU!
No...please...not that....anything but that....I beg of you....this situation is already screwy enough without those blithering idiots getting involved. [/b][/quote]
no doubt EMP. :wacko:
only in the land of the offended.
i get so sick of this politically correct BS i want to strang.....

better stop there
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