A Multi-Vitamin devoted to winning?



What in hell does that mean? Other Vitamins are dedicated to losing?

Some commercials are funny, some are informative and then others (like this one) are plain stupid. Makes no sense at all. Wonder who got Jr involved with that.

Bet the bottom line is winning at the cash registers. :growl: But I bet it won't work. :p
having junior on there is a great idea, he started using "Win Fuel" and look at the positive results, he might be better off eating dog crap
A commercial is made to get your attention. To get you thinking about the product being advertised. Some use humor, some use "facts", and some don't make much sense at all............but if you remember the product, then the commercial did it's job. Looks like Winfuel did it's job with you. :D I'm sure Jr (and Shane Hmeil), in addition to Winfuel contributing money to the team, paid them well for the commercials........that would answer why Jr got involved for me. :) The "actors" don't usually have much say on the content of a commercial........but I'm sure they can opt not to be in them. But, if a company (any company) is giving you money to use to in order to further your livelihood you sort of give up some of that say so.

I agree it's not the greatest commercial ever made......but I knew what you were talking about and I'm sure a lot of others knew too. So it did it's job. :)
I scored some free Win Fuel at the track today when I bought a hat at Hmiel's trailer. They have one for men and one for women. If you watched the race, you would have seen a good race between dietary supplements...and guess which one "won"....not WinFuel.
DE_Wrangler_2 said:
,,,,,,but if you remember the product, then the commercial did it's job. Looks like Winfuel did it's job with you.
Yeah, you're right about that.

Unfortunately, it makes me remember never to buy that crap. And at the same time, I've lost a little respect for their spokesman. :confused:

Hate to see a good name sold to the highest bidder like that.
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