A New Member Of The Family


Kurt Busch fan
Aug 2, 2010
Kennewick Washington
No, I'm not pregnant.

One adorable kitten.


This is how small she is.

I need to teach her not to be so rough when we play. I have scratches on my hand that swelled up and started burning. I had to take an allergy pill and put some medicine on it. It's much better now.
Demon seeds are adorable. Then, they develop into Fur Demons and start tearing **** up and destroying things.

Bellatrix is lucky I don't believe in declawing cats.
Demon seeds are adorable. Then, they develop into Fur Demons and start tearing sh!t up and destroying things.

Bellatrix is lucky I don't believe in declawing cats.

Lily is really sweet. She claws at stuff a little and I have to correct her but she doesn't destroy anything. Leo never did either.
Very cute little one there, Lisa.

Someone just shared this on Facebook in the last couple days; mentioning scratches it seems fitting to put it here:

Thank you so much for posting that. It is so true.

Lily has pink eye. I noticed 2 days ago, her eyes were watering a lot. poor baby.

I have some amoxicillian left from when Jennifer's kitty, Felix, was sick. I looked it up online and it stated that this particular antibiotic can help pink eye. If it doesn't work, I'll take her to the vet.
Demon seeds are adorable. Then, they develop into Fur Demons and start tearing sh!t up and destroying things.

Bellatrix is lucky I don't believe in declawing cats.
Saw that coming a mile away!!!
We had a cat for 12 years so glad I don't have to clean that damn litter box anymore

Good luck with the kitten Lisa. May it give you years of joy and companionship
Very cute kitten.
I've got four. Pickles, Peaches, Dandy, and Bernice. Pickles and Dandy are brothers(tabbys) who are about 13?. Peaches is probably 9 months and I'd say Bernice is around 4 months.....both are female Calicos. I'd post pictures, but I've got to find a new hosting service. Imgur has totally **** on me and won't respond to anything.
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