A new member to the family


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
So today, my brother's wife gave birth to their third (and final) child. A boy name Ben who weighs 8lb 7oz.

Now if only I can convince my brother and his wife to stop posting naked baby pictures online. I mean honestly, pedophiles and kiddie fiddlers get off on that kind of stuff. :mad:
Congrats. A baby is about as good as it gets.

The naked pictures? When we adopted my son who was 3 weeks old at the time, the wife and mother in law made sure to check him out ASAP.

I don't think it is perverse, just the mothering instinct. IMO
Congratulations! Kids are an amazing blessing.

As for the pictures, I agree 100%. Acting like those sick bastards aren't out there doesn't mean that they aren't. For every Jerry Sandusky who gets caught, there are literally thousands that go undetected by anyone but their victims.
Congrats....our daughter won't even let us post a pic of our grandson online. She said the same thing, to many perverts.
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