A real life moment that defines marriage


2014 RF YAHOO CHAMP Your leader
Jun 22, 2011
A real life moment that explains marriage

While in a foreign country the wife and I were on a long hike in the Forrest. Long story short, we were a long way from the car, and it was miserably hot.

We came upon a resort area that featured romantic cabin rentals. We stopped at the desk (mainly for a few moments of AC and to hang out in the lobby, we did inspect a cabin to look real and earn a little even more AC time in the lobby) .

A few moments later a middle aged couple came up to the help desk, and rented a cabin. The woman was attractive, and the man also bought her some lingerie, they had the look of eager honeymooners.

So I thought that's sweet, and I looked at my wife and the lingerie and said "baby pick you some lingerie out and I will get us a room".

The wife just laughed and declined, then she explained the couple that just left for their own room wasn't married like us.
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