A simple warning.



I had no idea that a dog can get a hematoma.My Sheltie(mini collie) had and ear infection that turned into a large blister on her ear that was on a major artery.vet said if she would've popped it she would've bled to death.She ended up in emergency sergery this morning.Thankfully she's fine now.Got stitches and a bandaged head.I'll miss her though b/c she's spending a night at the animal hospital.Will have my hands full w/her for the next 3 weeks. :rolleyes:
FI, how lucky for you that she lives. When you mention dogs, you're talking to one of the best dog lovers ever. Hey, even those that chase after me, or wants to tear my head off, I've got a soft spot in my heart for em. My parents have two Shelties and they are great. I've got two Lasha Apsos and they are the pits, but I love em. She'll be back from you in no time. :)
that sucks I had a mutt that i had all 14 years of my life that died about 2 years ago. Now I got a Pomerain and a German Shepard Ther the best my German Shepard sleeps in the bed with me on the foot every night
I forgot to mention that ANY pet from dogs to lizards, cats to snakes, fish to hamsters, can get fatal illnesses.
I know that from experience, take your pet to the Vet ASAP! and keep regular appointments for shots and checkups.
I took my big red dog to the vet for an ear infection,And they said she had a yeast infection in it.:( I figured we were gonna have to put some of the wifes Monostat in her ear,And have her eat yogurt.I hope your pooch is ok Fourises:)
She's home now.Her whole head is wrapped in blue gause.She keeps pouting and trying to get it off.She ran to my mom this morning and burried her face on mom's arm.She wouldn't even look my way.She acts like a fuzzy baby.I can't help but spoil her.I'm gonna try and get a picture of her like this.I guess I should tell you I was laughing at her and her blue head.she'll get over it.:D
Originally posted by FOURISIS
I can't help but spoil her.I'm gonna try and get a picture of her like this.I guess I should tell you I was laughing at her and her blue head.she'll get over it.:D

She loves you,She just don't understand Fourisis.:)
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