A time when drivers didn't apologize for F-bombs or breast feeding comments.


The "good old days" ??
Jul 4, 2011
New York
2001 Jr Playboy interview. For those who haven't read it before, here's a taste.

Playboy: Still at virgin at 18?
Earnhardt: yes. And she tore me up in my trailer.

Playboy: Did you follow your father's advice?
Earnhardt: About the rubber? Yes, I did. We went at it again and again. It lasted 30 or 40 minutes. I thought I did pretty good. I'm still an endurance type, and if I fail the endurance test, I'm quick to get going again.

Playboy: They call that a man's refractory period.
Earnhardt: Mine's about three or four minutes. Got to use it while you can.

Playboy: Here's the Wilt Chamberlain question: How many partners, career total?
Earnhardt: Not so many. 15-20.

Playboy: Would they call you a gentle lover or a rambunctious one?
Earnhardt: In the middle, but more toward rambunctious. I'm careful who I'm with. A couple of years ago, when I started seeing what a little success can do, I thought, Man, this could get to where girls are knocking on my door-and I'm gonna let'em all in! But it doesn't work that way. I am real ****ing scared of contracting a disease.....
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