A totally pointless question

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
Ok, what is the obsession with Jersey Shore?

First, I will say up front that I have never seen the show. I'm not even sure where or when it is even on. I have no desire to see it, but I've seen several of these people on other shows, especially Snooki. Apparently Snooki is supposed to be hot looking. I just don't see it. This picture was on the front of a yahoo story about the top 10 obsessions of 2010.


The girl next to Snooki, I have no idea what her name is, is kinda good looking. But, the other girls on there are big and ugly. I get that fat chicks need love too, but don't try to tell me she is sexy. She looks like an orange Serena Williams.
Who F...ing cares. Just goes to show how the 20 something generation is totally out of touch with important things going on right now in the world. Did you know that 36% of Americans don't know that we won our independence from England in 1776? Most asked on the streets in California (20 somethings) think we got our independence from Germany. What does this say about the public school system/education in California? geeeeezz
I think she looks like a Oompa Loompa from Willie Wonka"s Chocolate Factory.
I assumed she was some sort of rat? At least thats what South Park said. Also I want to point out I'm a 20 something and don't care at all. Can we stop getting the blame for everything thats wrong?
And I have no clue what the obsession with Jersey Shore is. I watched it one time out of curiosity. It's pure trash. A bunch of white trash idiots partying 24/7 and getting in fights and making the entire white race look bad.
I assumed she was some sort of rat? At least thats what South Park said. Also I want to point out I'm a 20 something and don't care at all. Can we stop getting the blame for everything thats wrong?

kkfan, don't take it personally. It's just that shows like this gives a warped view of 20 somethings. I know young people who are hard-working --- I also know 20 somethings that would fit right in on Jersey Shore.
It isn't just Jersey shore, granted that is one of the worst but it's just about all reality TV shows. Now I admit I do watch some here and there but NEVER JS. It's just that the younger people these days(most anyway but not all) have such a short attention span they don't wanna watch anything where they might actually learn something.
This will get some of the youngsters going, but I don't see any difference between JS and Southpark. Both are clearly aimed at the younger audiences and if they weren't popular, they would go the way of the Edsel. Sorry SP fans, the show is just vulgar, but that's what it is supposed to be.
I don't get it either. And no, Snookie is far from good looking. Looks like an Oompa Loompa, but with, I think, less intelligence.
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