ABC's Amy Robach says on-air mammogram discovered breast cancer

That's a great story. I'm not surprised at all to see in that story that Robin Roberts was involved in this. She is a truly amazing woman. Our family was moved by her story when she was awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the 2013 ESPYs. Her acceptance speech was especially moving. Here it is.

Robach's only 40 - didn't want to at first. Probably saved her life.

Grew up watching her on Fox5 News in Washington and then on MSNBC News.
Many of you know that my wife had breast cancer. We were extremely blessed in that hers was caught very, very early and very minimal treatment was required. No chemo, no radiation. Of all of the advances they have made in fighting cancer, early detection still remains, by far, the biggest weapon in the fight.
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