advisor: "Sell me a laptop at Best Buy"


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
So I went to see my academic adviser today.

He was with another student. I'm guessing he was trying to enroll in UTA using devry/ITT credits or something.

Among the things said (i was too busy laughing to take notes):

"This is a full fledged university. This isn't ITT or Devry. This math course cannot and will not count for anything. If admissions said they would, go get it in writing and show it to me."

"You know what you can do with these credits? Go sell me a damn laptop at best buy."

"I have 40 other students out there waiting to be advised, and you're holding up the damn line with this piddly nonsense. Do you want to be a student here or not?!"

Needless to say, he was PIZZED OFF! when he finally kicked the kid out of his office. I was glad I only needed him for 15 seconds. I feel bad for whoever was after me...
Yea, those for profit colleges such as ITT and DeVery are a ****ing joke. Had one of my ex-girlfriends enroll into ITT. Did I tell her it was a junk college, no. Why not, well let's just say I can hold a grudge sometimes, and the thought of her spending $40,000 on a two year degree is hilarious to me.
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