Ahhh...good ole F1

100k? Seriously? That's it? Whatta joke. Is that penalty supposed to insult our intelligence or something? It is high time for a complete over-haul in the leadership of F1 and the FIA.
Honestly, I don't find much fault in Ferrari. I don't like how they told Massa to move over, but this sort of thing happens in every form of motorsport. Including NASCAR. How many times have you seen someone pullover to give a teammate the lead, and five bonus points, then pull back around again?

I'm more on Ferrari's side on this. Alonso clearly had the quicker car, and Massa was blocking. What were they supposed to do? Let them wreck 5 Million dollar cars like what happened to Red Bull in Turkey? Or have the stewards give Massa a penalty for blocking? This is hardly what happened to Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher.

At least Ferrari was open about the orders. In the Turkish Grand Prix this year after the Red Bull drivers wrecked, Hamilton and Button were running first and second. Button was quicker, but the team wanted Hamilton to win. So they told Button to back off because "fuel was critical". Now that's deceptive.
Honestly, I don't find much fault in Ferrari. I don't like how they told Massa to move over, but this sort of thing happens in every form of motorsport. Including NASCAR. How many times have you seen someone pullover to give a teammate the lead, and five bonus points, then pull back around again?

Just because it's done in NASCAR doesn't mean it's right. It's a crap practice anywhere and should be banned.
I'm more on Ferrari's side on this. Alonso clearly had the quicker car, and Massa was blocking. What were they supposed to do? Let them wreck 5 Million dollar cars like what happened to Red Bull in Turkey? Or have the stewards give Massa a penalty for blocking? This is hardly what happened to Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher.

Blocking? didn't look like blocking to me. Looked like the leader running his line. Frankly, these are supposed to be the greatest drivers in the world. If you're faster than the car in front of you, being the faster car you should be able to figure out a way around him. Isn't that what you're paid to do? The only slower trafic that needs to get out of the way is lapped cars.

At least Ferrari was open about the orders. In the Turkish Grand Prix this year after the Red Bull drivers wrecked, Hamilton and Button were running first and second. Button was quicker, but the team wanted Hamilton to win. So they told Button to back off because "fuel was critical". Now that's deceptive.

Teammates should be able to race, period. they should be able to race cleanly with each other, and not do anything rash or stupid that coule cost both of them the race, but they should actually RACE.
they are F1 drivers you think they know how to race without wrecking each other

Oh right. I forgot that F1 drivers God's gift to motorsports. They are above mistakes. :sarcasm:

If F1 drivers are perfect, then what happened in Turkey?

I'm not saying it was right. It certainly robbed Massa of a win. But in F1, it's very difficult to pass. Most of the tracks are narrow, with little or no room to even think about passing. Add to that the fact the cars are so fragile that even minor contact will end their day. Plus the races are so short (200 miles or less) that you often don't get a second chance to overtake. I just don't see a problem with Ferrari protecting their assets.
Oh right. I forgot that F1 drivers God's gift to motorsports. They are above mistakes. :sarcasm:

If F1 drivers are perfect, then what happened in Turkey?

I'm not saying it was right. It certainly robbed Massa of a win. But in F1, it's very difficult to pass. Most of the tracks are narrow, with little or no room to even think about passing. Add to that the fact the cars are so fragile that even minor contact will end their day. Plus the races are so short (200 miles or less) that you often don't get a second chance to overtake. I just don't see a problem with Ferrari protecting their assets.

I still see a problem with it. Hell, if that's the case, they might as well just qualify and park, or end the race after the start. They keep saying they are making changes to improve overtaking, yet we still see crap like this. Like I say, they are supposed to be the greatest drivers in the world, yet they keep using the excuse that overtaking is difficult. Well OF COURSE it's difficult, it's SUPPOSED TO BE.

They aren't perfect, but they do still claim to be the greatest drivers in the world. They should act like they are, not pussyfoot around in hopes that their teammate will let them pass.

I love F1, but it's really starting to tick me off, and crap like they pulled this weekend just make it worse.
Including NASCAR. How many times have you seen someone pullover to give a teammate the lead, and five bonus points, then pull back around again?

I'm more on Ferrari's side on this. Alonso clearly had the quicker car, and Massa was blocking.

There is a big difference in gaining five bonus points compared to letting someone win the race.

If Alonso had the quicker car then they he should have been able to pass him on the track.

I like F1 and always watch it but sh*t like this drives me nuts, I can't stand it.
There is a big difference in gaining five bonus points compared to letting someone win the race.

Is there? It's still team orders. Ferrari might have let Alonso win the race, but when someone lets a teammate score 5 bonus points they're letting them win the Championship.

Which is worse? Manipulating a race, or manipulating a Championship?

Again, I don't like what Ferrari did, but as team owners they have a right to ensure that their cars finish the race in one piece. After what happened in Turkey I see it as protecting their assets.

If Ferrari had worded the message differently, would you guys feel as upset? What if they said "Alonso is faster. If he tries to overtake, don't force the issue and wreck both cars".

Again, like it or not this happens in all forms of motorsports. At least Ferrari was honest about the order. What about McLaren and Red Bull? They have issued team orders several times already this season, yet no one complained about it when it's worded as "Don't overtake Hamilton, you're critical on fuel" or "Vettel is quicker. Repeat Vettel is quicker".

Even the Speed announcers have made fun of this blatant use of team orders right under the Stewarts noses.
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