Al Gore's son arrested


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Proudly Southern
What is it with politicians kids anyway?

WASHINGTON (AP) - The son of former vice president and 2000 Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore has been charged with marijuana possession.

Albert A. Gore III, 21, was arrested Friday night after he was stopped for driving a vehicle without its headlights on.

Two passengers were also arrested and charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession. They were identified as Yann V. Kumin, 21, and Marc G. Hordon, 22, both of Cambridge, Mass.

A Montgomery County, Md., police officer stopped the car, a dark-colored Cadillac, in Bethesda, a Washington suburb, around 11:30 p.m. Friday.

The officer noticed the car's windows and sunroof were open, despite cold temperatures Friday night. There was also a smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle, according to a news release from the police department.

A search of the vehicle turned up a partial marijuana cigarette, a cigarette box containing suspected marijuana, and a soft drink can that also smelled of marijuana.

All three were released pending trial.

In September 2002, the younger Gore was ticketed for driving under the influence. He was pulled over and ticketed by military police just outside Fort Myer in suburban Virginia, but was not taken into custody.

In the summer of 2000, Gore was cited by the North Carolina Highway Patrol for driving 97 mph in a 55-mph zone. Under an agreement with prosecutors, a reckless driving charge was dropped in the North Carolina case, but he was fined $125 for speeding and his driving privileges in the state were suspended.
Cause they think they are above the law. Sometimes their parents are to blame, but in most cases the kids just think that they can get away with it because they have a high profile parent(s).
You can't blame Al Gore, The man who should of been president, The man who would of saved this country, The man who would of been the greatest president of all time :wacko:
Yea right. :lol: But back to the subject. If that had been one of oru kids he would still be sitting in the slammer. Our Congressman John Tanner's son got driving and drinking and had a wreck and killed a kid. Did he ever go to jail. What do you think. :angry:
In times like this, I thank god Ulysses E. Grant's children turned out just fine... or did they? :p
Goes to show Politicans who make the law. Know how to get around the law. No matter if their Dem. or Rep.
It's just pot, it could have been Meth or something harmful...geez.
Pot has been proven to be harmful. But that's not the point. Pot is illegal, and because he is Al Gore's son he will get special favors. If it was my 23 year old and he already had a prior arrest for DUI. he would still be in jail.
I just try to take care of myself, I don't smoke pot, but if I did, I don't think "car" would be the word that came into mind when I was thinking of "cool places to get high". "concert"? maybe, but "Privacy of own home" is probably the best answer if you ask me. It's only illegal because of the hurtin' industrial Hemp would put on the textile (and other) industry. It's no more harmful than alcohol, if even as much, I just think there's a conspiracy to keep in illegal so hemp doesn't become the product it used to be. The second Hemp can disassociate itself with marijuana, that's the second there'll be some big changes. I couldn't care less about pot, but hemp can change the world (somewhat).
I do agree with you on a couple of things. #1. your right a car is no place to be getting high or drunk. #2. Pot has proven to be harmfull . But your right it is no more so than alcohol. The other is just speculation. And I have earthly idea. :D I don't use pot either hay I dont even drink. I did smoke pot about 30 years ago but I didn't inhale. ( lied) :lol:
I entered this essay contest back in high school on the past present and future of Industrial Hemp in America...Woody Harrelson sponsored it because of that time he planted hemp seeds in Kentucky...anyway, it's pretty damned interesting and conspicuous if you start looking into it...the whole hemp criminalization stuff, look into it.
Well, for Tipper's sake, I just hope he was listening to wholesome music while he was driving around breaking the law.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Dec 22 2003, 12:35 PM
Well, for Tipper's sake, I just hope he was listening to wholesome music while he was driving around breaking the law.
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