All Star Race

Ford 222

Team Owner
Apr 25, 2016
Is there still going to be an ASR? If so wonder what it's format will be since we seem to be going to it for all the races?
Yes, the ASR is 5/20 and it is set for 110 laps
And possibly on the road course
They could also be required to race through the tunnel, then to the ticket office at the front lobby, then through the turnstiles on foot to sign 300 autographs.
Then run back to their cars and race back the tunnel entrance.

Pit sops performed entirely by drivers themselves with no air guns, just lug wrenches.

Topped off with the dramatic post race lug nut checks by Brian France hisself !
110 continuous laps, green flag all the way. Cautions will be thrown only as conditions warrant (accidents, debris, weather, etc.).

It's a radical concept that hasn't been tried in quite a while. The current fanbase won't take to it at all. I suspect it's another one of Brad's ideas.

Whatever they do at the All-Star race is fine by me. It's cars on the track and that's what I watch this sport for.

The only thing that I wish they would do is only allow the race winners since the last All-Star race compete.

Daytona can't get here soon enough.
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