Alzheimer’s patient missing


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN

Alzheimer’s patient missing near Kingsport, Tn

Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office investigators continue to hunt for a man who recently walked away from his Fall Creek Road home near Kingsport.

Paul G. Justice, 70, of 477 Fall Creek Road, walked away from his home around 8:30 a.m. Thursday. According to authorities, he suffers from Alzheimer’s and has disappeared before.

Missing adult information:

Paul G. Justice
477 Fall Creek Road
Kingsport, TN
Gray hair
Blue eyes
180 lbs
6 feet, 1 inch tall
Last wearing: Brown flannel shirt, black shoes, green ball cap, tan jacket, dark blue pants

Anyone with any information or who may have seen Justice walking in the Fall Creek/Memorial Boulevard area Thursday or Thursday evening is asked to call the Sullivan County Sheriff's Office 911 dispatch or at 279-7500.
Must be something about the moon. Mammaw has had a very bad day too.
The Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office found an elderly Alzheimer’s patient who had been missing since Thursday morning. Paul Justice walked out of the woods near exit 59 on Interstate 81 around 5:30 p.m. Friday, and motorists called the sheriff’s office.

Justice was hungry, dehydrated and cold, according to a statement released by the sheriff’s office Friday. He was taken to the hospital and checked as a precautionary measure.

During the 20 hours that Justice was missing, the sheriff’s office received several calls in reference to the missing 70-year-old. Detectives and officers followed each report or call in order to find the man.
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