Am I just being paranoid?



Am I just being paranoid or does this seem to have some validity?

There seems to be an aweful lot of talk lately about identity theft. It seems to me that this would be very easy to pull off, perhaps too easy. Is this perhaps a ploy to further the whole "microchip under the skin" agendy?

These people have talked seemingly reasonable people into having their kids implanted with electronic devices for the alleged purpose of tracking them if they are lost or kidnapped.

What is next?
You might be paranoid. Not having administered the required psychological tests, I can't say for certain.

The whole microchip thing is ridiculous. It is also in my opinion another Biblical sign of the end of time being fulfilled. But that's just me.

All I know is, there won't be one under my skin. Possums are usually easy to find, we're most often lying near the center yellow line...
in the world we live in today maybe it's not a bad idea. You never know, you may wake up one morning and your kids will be gone from their bedroom. 3

Identity theft with all the info on the world wide web seems to easy to me.
Originally posted by bowtie@Jan 13 2004, 03:28 PM
You never know, you may wake up one morning and your kids will be gone from their bedroom.
That is true Bowtie.

But are you sure we can trust the government with that kind of control over us and especially our kids?
I'm going to go now as I am afraid I am starting to sound like one of those nuts you find on the web. I will likely be back to this subject, but not right now.
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Jan 13 2004, 09:31 AM
But are you sure we can trust the government with that kind of control over us and especially our kids?
nope, but what are you going to do, me personally, I don't think about it, I am a nobody with no money and usually that stuff doesn't happen to people like me. If someone assumes my identity they assume all of my bills. :lol:
I don't trust the Government to mail my auto-tag reminder...let alone something like this. You aren't paranoid.
They wont stop until we all have barcodes on the backs of our necks ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!

:Happy jumps out window to his untimely death:
Originally posted by 97forever@Jan 13 2004, 04:34 PM
I don't trust the Government to mail my auto-tag reminder...let alone something like this. You aren't paranoid.
I did not receive my tag reminder this year! Damn near had my plates expire! :angry:
No, I don't think you're paranoid but I try to protect myself with a great firewall

There are way too many reports of identity theft on the news not to believe it.
The only advice I can give is to make sure your internet browser has 128 bit Security SSL. Make sure you have no viruses whatsoever such as the dreaded Trojan Horse virus. Make sure you have your Anti-Virus Softwares in check and make sure the firewall is up.

Also, make sure that whenever you use your credit card online, make sure your browser has already entered a secure zone, that way the risk of credit identity theft is basically out the window.

Finally, make sure you have no spyware installed on your computer, somewhere on Smack's Daily Downloads thread is a program that can eliminate traces of spyware that are installed on your computer from various places on the net.
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