Amanda Beard slams former boyfriend Carl Edwards in memoir


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
For those of you interested in the NASCAR WAG thing, I saw this last night.....

When Olympic swimmer Amanda Beard and NASCAR star Carl Edwards dated for nearly a year from 2005-2006, they were one of the most high-profile couples in sports.

But the Olympic gold medalist says she still feels jilted by the Roush Fenway Racing driver.
In her memoir, “In the Water They Can’t See You Cry,” Beard describes Edwards as self-absorbed, insanely jealous and controlling.

The 349-page book, which was released Tuesday, features 16 pages on Beard’s relationship with Edwards, who has 19 career Sprint Cup victories and finished second to Tony Stewart in the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup last year.

Beard writes about her attraction to Edwards and what eventually led to their breakup.
She says in the book that Edwards was “adamant that his way was the only right one,” and that the relationship revolved around Edwards, who is two years older than Beard.
“He never asked me what I might like to do, because he only wanted to be on Carl time,” she wrote. “He couldn’t imagine any other kind of time.”

Edwards, who was 26 when he dated Beard, married Dr. Kate Downey in 2009. They have two children.

With the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series off this week, Edwards is on vacation and was unavailable for comment, a Roush Fenway Racing spokesman said Wednesday.

Beard wrote in the book that she has cut ties with Edwards “severely and permanently.” She says she at first was enamored with the NASCAR lifestyle but that the excitement quickly waned.
She described having a beer with other drivers’ wives and girlfriends in the driver motorhome lot at the track.

“Their entire existence revolved around their significant others,” she wrote. “Three beers and a thousand predictions later, I wanted to scream, Don’t you guys have lives? They were very sweet, but I didn’t have anything in common with the rest of the women.”

Beard said her relationship with Edwards deteriorated because of a lack of communication and jealousy.

She said that Edwards didn’t want her to see male friends or associate with other NASCAR drivers. He also asked her to stop posing in sexy swimsuits for men’s magazines. Beard posed for Maxim, FHM and Sports Illustrated prior to dating Edwards.

Beard said that she told Edwards once that she had used cocaine and that he was disgusted by her admission and told her he wouldn’t date anyone who uses drugs. She said Edwards “didn’t even want me to have a glass of wine.”

“In that moment I decided that I wasn’t going to tell him anything more about myself and I never did,” she wrote. “It was easy since he never asked.”
She said their lack of communication led to their breakup.

“I was slightly bummed about Carl and the end of our year-long romance,” she wrote. “Slightly. Mostly, I was relieved—and energized.”

After her breakup with Edwards, Beard married photographer Sacha Brown and returned to competitive swimming.

Ironically, she says she got her motivation to compete again from watching veteran NASCAR drivers Dale Jarrett and Mark Martin win races in 2005.

“The image of Dale and Mark, two middle-aged, gray-haired men still enjoying the thrill of victory changed my thinking,” she wrote. “They were on the same grueling forty-eight-weekend race schedule as the young drivers. … All of a sudden competitive swimming no longer felt like a burden but an opportunity.”

From here.
Didn't he always have his mama with him back then ? Funny she didn't get mentioned .
"Beard said that she told Edwards once that she had used cocaine and that he was disgusted by her admission and told her he wouldn’t date anyone who uses drugs.”

Enough said right there about this woman. That's all I needed to know to make her thoughts and comments worthless to me.
Unless he physically hurt her, she should keep her mouth shut.

Some things should remain private. Lovers see each others secrets, that trust demands a little more discretion.
Hows it go? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Anytime I hear stories of a breakup or divorce I consider the source. He77, when going thru my divorce I heard stories about me that I wanted to take myself out back and kick my own azz. o_O
I saw this last night and found it entertaining, but it's written by someone trying to sell a book. We all know what sells these days. I think her feelings about how drivers wives are so wrapped up in hubby's career is pretty telling. Something I've wondered about is that Carl often talks about looking foward to spending more time with his family, then I read he and some friends went biking in Vietnam for 2 or 3 weeks while his wife stayed home with the kids. He seems to live a bachelors life, and rarely talks about his wife and how having kids changes your life. He seems to have one hell of a wife.

Funniest line: “In that moment I decided that I wasn’t going to tell him anything more about myself and I never did,” she wrote. “It was easy since he never asked.”
We will never know if her portrayal of Carl is accurate.

Until some other chick steps up and throws Carl under the train.

"Beard said that she told Edwards once that she had used cocaine and that he was disgusted by her admission and told her he wouldn’t date anyone who uses drugs.”

Enough said right there about this woman. That's all I needed to know to make her thoughts and comments worthless to me.

The fact that she didn't hide it, makes her somewhat honest. The fact that Edwards sees himself as a man who has never done wrong, should disturb you, but you must be without sin as well. GOOD FOR YOU.
Until some other chick steps up and throws Carl under the train.

"Beard said that she told Edwards once that she had used cocaine and that he was disgusted by her admission and told her he wouldn’t date anyone who uses drugs.”

The fact that she didn't hide it, makes her somewhat honest. The fact that Edwards sees himself as a man who has never done wrong, should disturb you, but you must be without sin as well. GOOD FOR YOU.

I'm waiting for his supplier to spill the beans on steroids. Look at his size before NASCAR started testing and after, and I see 20 lbs missing.
I'm waiting for his supplier to spill the beans on steroids. Look at his size before NASCAR started testing and after, and I see 20 lbs missing.

Kinda like looking at Mel Gibson when he was Mad Max, and then in 1999 during that movie PayBack. He's a hulk in that movie compared to earlier in life. He must work out. Maybe Mel and Carl have the same trainer.
Kinda like looking at Mel Gibson when he was Mad Max, and then in 1999 during that movie PayBack. He's a hulk in that movie compared to earlier in life. He must work out. Maybe Mel and Carl have the same trainer.

20 years from now, we may hear about a washed up and drunken Carl Edwards being arrested while ranting about evil Polacks.
Has he been checked for concussions? I mean does he have drain bamage??

I believe you. Just don't throw others under the bus who have. Once an addict tries something they like, it ceases to become a choice, and it then is a disease.

Not sure if she was ever an addict or not and I don't care enough to go look into it but this woman just wrote a 300+ page book about herself and then goes on to call Carl self-absorbed. That's a bit ironic no? Her comments are rather meaningless to me because she's looking to grab attention in order to sell this book.
Not sure if she was ever an addict or not and I don't care enough to go look into it but this woman just wrote a 300+ page book about herself and then goes on to call Carl self-absorbed. That's a bit ironic no? Her comments are rather meaningless to me because she's looking to grab attention in order to sell this book.

NO, this is slef absorbed....

I saw this last night and found it entertaining, but it's written by someone trying to sell a book. We all know what sells these days. I think her feelings about how drivers wives are so wrapped up in hubby's career is pretty telling. Something I've wondered about is that Carl often talks about looking foward to spending more time with his family, then I read he and some friends went biking in Vietnam for 2 or 3 weeks while his wife stayed home with the kids. He seems to live a bachelors life, and rarely talks about his wife and how having kids changes your life. He seems to have one hell of a wife.
I believe much of what she said but there are two sides to every relationship. I think Carl has a dominant personality but I wouldn't lay too much money on a bet that Amanda doesn't have one as well. Also, Carl knew the world of NASCAR much better than Amanda and that may have had a lot to do with who he wanted her to associate with and not associate with. I wonder what she expected Carl to say or do when she told him that she had used cocaine-he's a health nut and would be disgusted with anyone who abused their body with that sort of drug (not sure if Carl has or has not ever used steroids, that's a whole other issue) My thoughts on this 16 pages in her book-if Carl didn't physically or mentally abuse her, she didn't need to go into detail. If her time with him was only worth 16 pages out of a 349 page book (4.5%) than she didn't consider it a major part of her life and who she is and she could have left most of it out.
Not sure if she was ever an addict or not and I don't care enough to go look into it but this woman just wrote a 300+ page book about herself and then goes on to call Carl self-absorbed. That's a bit ironic no? Her comments are rather meaningless to me because she's looking to grab attention in order to sell this book.
Spot on. It's all about the $'s
AND, if Carl writes a book slandering her, you have the same opinion of him?
Carl's already hit the lottery as a NASCAR driver. Can't see a book coming out in his future to slam Amanda. Certainly though, if he were to come out with a book on whatever topic, I'd say it was meant to make $'s. What other reason would he have to write a book? He doesn't strike me to be someone that has to put pen to paper.
*shrug* I've never tried any drugs.

I knew that was coming! lol And I think it's great. When I post from my phone I get too lazy to offer further explanation for my thoughts because it takes too long.

The main point of my post is that when someone openly admits to having tried something for which some may cast harsh judgement they are showing a propensity toward being honest. I have tried lots of drugs (no heroin or meth) and never became addicted. I just wanted to see what they were like. I spent my late teens/early 20's as a pot head. Other than some questionable choices in clothes it never really hurt me. But I've never been dishonest. In fact, I'm open and honest probably to a fault at times. But hell man, the truth is the truth. Own it. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.
Not sure if she was ever an addict or not and I don't care enough to go look into it but this woman just wrote a 300+ page book about herself and then goes on to call Carl self-absorbed. That's a bit ironic no? Her comments are rather meaningless to me because she's looking to grab attention in order to sell this book.

See I just don't think this is fair. We don't know her, we don't know her motivations and she's certainly not the first person to write a book dealing with their life and experiences. And if anyone gave a rats arse about my life I'd certainly accept a few million bucks to write a book.

As far as her comments about Carl, we have to remember we are in the NASCAR bubble where we actually know who Carl is and many of us have strong opinions on him. 99% of the general public have no idea who Carl Edwards is so if she's depending on her stories regarding Carl to sell books then she and her publisher are in a bad spot.

And FTR I think Carl might be a weirdo with a completely fake public persona. I don't know that for sure but his fake punch at Matt Kenseth and the rage he's shown while driving his race car make me wonder.
The main point of my post is that when someone openly admits to having tried something for which some may cast harsh judgement they are showing a propensity toward being honest. .

Well I could definitely understand why Carl would be harsh about something like this though. We all know he loves his clean image with his sponsors and wouldn't want his at the time girlfriend to go and screw that up for him.
Carl's already hit the lottery as a NASCAR driver. Can't see a book coming out in his future to slam Amanda. Certainly though, if he were to come out with a book on whatever topic, I'd say it was meant to make $'s. What other reason would he have to write a book? He doesn't strike me to be someone that has to put pen to paper.

Snooki is a person who doesn't put pen to paper, and she still makes money on it. Co-author my ass.
And FTR I think Carl might be a weirdo with a completely fake public persona. I don't know that for sure but his fake punch at Matt Kenseth and the rage he's shown while driving his race car make me wonder.

That was Carl showing his low opinion of himself. Scaring Matt is a way to put himself up on high. BULLY
Well I could definitely understand why Carl would be harsh about something like this though. We all know he loves his clean image with his sponsors and wouldn't want his at the time girlfriend to go and screw that up for him.

That could be. We just don't know. But also Carl may have lived a very sheltered existence where he never learned the realities of regarding how the other half live.
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