An old man goes into the confessional...

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
An old man goes into the confessional. The priest asked him what he has done. He told him "Father, I am a 70 year old guy. My wife passed away recently so I have been very lonely. I decided to get a hooker to keep me company. I also decided to take some Viagra. Since I was paying for her company, I figured I might as well get my money's worth. Well, I surprised myself and I wore her out. So I went and got one of her co-workers and wore her out too. And I even wore out a third hooker. They were all very young and experienced and I wore them all out. I was really impressive"

The priest asked him "How long since your last confession?" The man replied "Never, I'm not even catholic"

"Then, why are you telling me this?" said the priest

"Are you kidding me? I'm telling every one I see!"
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