I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
... totally ****ed up. Got rear ended on the way back from Bowie.
There's your rant, mag.
There's your rant, mag.
Its always something, huh andy? I dont see why people always attack you for your rants though. Im sure they will be in this thread soon!
took them 13 days to figure that out
Auto shop just called me to tell me the car isn't repairable. God that pisses me off, spend hundreds fixing the car just for it to get totaled in an accident two days later.
I would submit your recent repair receipts to the other party's insurance company for additional reimbursement. I would not sign off on medical until your reimbursement expectations have been met.
It's not even about the money Bobby, there's more important things in life. It's about the hours, more likely days, that will be spent at the DMV with registration, emissions, inspections, tags, titles, and so on. I'd rather take a baseball bat to the ribs, argue with KingGlamis, polar bear plunge, watch FOX "News", sit through planning commission meetings or drive in Northern Virginia than deal with the DMV.
I'm not sure about the bat, the ribs, the polar bear or FOX news but I think the Glamis thing might happen...
Well, he says he's willing to bury the shovel so we'll see...
What garden implement would one use to bury the shovel
Another shovel