Anger Management

Nitro Dude

Hauler Driver and Cylinder Head Maintenance
Feb 14, 2011
Orange Ca
Does anyone know if Charlie Sheen's new sitcom "anger management" is still on the air? I saw a couple of episodes when it first came out, but I have been out of town for about a month and now I can't find it listed anywhere. I hope that I am not the only one that liked that show.:confused:
It finished its first run, and I believe they for some reason ordered 90 more.
Well, I hope they don't cancel it. I liked it. A little "two and a half men" and a little "anger management" and I'm good to go.:)
Well, I hope they don't cancel it. I liked it. A little "two and a half men" and a little "anger management" and I'm good to go.:)

I don't care what chemical imbalance Charlie Sheen has, the man is hilarious. For about a month, his television interviews were the funniest things on television. Those interviews were instant classics.
You would never catch me watching ANYTHING that Adam Sandler was in...
I gotta agree with you on that. I think this one (anger management) wasthe last thing he did that was even mildly watchable. You couldn't pay me to see anything he's been in in years.
I gotta agree with you on that. I think this one (anger management) wasthe last thing he did that was even mildly watchable. You couldn't pay me to see anything he's been in in years.

Anger Management and 50 First Dates are the only enjoyable Adam Sandler movies. And the only reason Anger Management was funny was because of Jack Nicholson.
Just go with it is a very underrated movie. I like Grown Ups despite its lack of plot, mostly because at one point he wears a UVM hockey shirt
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