Another blonde joke

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
A woman explains to the doctor, "When I touch my arm, ouch, it hurts. When I touch my leg, ouch, it hurts. When I touch my head, ouch, it hurts. When I touch my chest, ouch, it hurts."

The doctor just shakes his head and asks, "You're a natural blonde, aren't you?"

The woman smiles and says, "Why, yes I am. How did you know?"

The doctor replies, "Because your finger is broken." :p

And yet another one...

A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open and her right breast hanging out.

A policeman approaches her and says, "Ma'am, are you aware that I could cite you for indecent exposure?"

She says, "Why, officer?"

"Because your breast is hanging out," he says.

She looks down and says, "OH MY GOD, I left the baby on the bus again!"
and yet another one

A blonde and a brunette were watching the 10 o'clock news together. The current news was about a man up on a ledge and threatening to jump. The situation cut to a commercial.
Brunette: "I'll bet you $20 he's going to jump."
Blonde: "Okay."
(then back to the newscast.)
He jumps.
Blonde: "Okay, here's my $20."
Brunette: "No, that was too easy, I can't take your money."
Blonde: "I insist. I lost!"
Brunette: "I have a confession to make. I saw the same thing on the 6 o'clock news and knew he jumped. So it wasn't really a fair bet."
Blonde: "I know I saw it too, I just can't believe he jumped again!" :D
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