Another hero for the tree-huggers

But she's free to do this. Her nation allows her to behave like this. Let her try that in Iraq.

Spoiled little punk brat. Off with her head!
What does that have to do with tree hugging? I disagree totally with what she did, and think she should get on the next banana boat to Cuba...but tree hugging?

You sound like Eric Cartman, everyone's a "damn hippy". :)
Nope, don't think everyone's a "damn hippy".

And what's the difference between you saying that she should leave the country and me calling her a tree-hugger?
Because...leaving the country is not tree-hugging.

I always associated tree-huggers with extreme environmentalists. Who knows...
While I don't like what she is doing, the great thing about our country is that she is free to express herself.

I just hope she remembers the countless millions that have died protecting that freedom.
Just a miss guided girl trying to grab attention. I'm sure her parents are proud of her stand. I would be ashamed to be her team mate.
Man...I hope we don't really want to hang people that speak out against the government!
how do you know i was not, or makeing a statemet.

it relly boathers me when someone does not remove there hat during the Pledge or what ever it may be at a event.
It bothers me too, so you're serious about wanting to hang people that disrespect the flag?
Expressing an unpopular view is not and should not be a capital offense. There is noughing wrong with expressing your dissagreemeant with the person but there is something wrong with wishing harm to that person. I do not know if you Lappy are serious or not. You seem to be argueing your point. I'm pretty sure TWF wasn't serious.
Man....I go to lunch and all hell breaks loose!

No, I do not wish to see people who speak out against the government beheaded. And anyone who thinks I do...OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! :p

I do wonder if little miss activist realizes that many potential employers may not be impressed with her displays.
Give a moment or two to the angry young man
With his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand
He's been stabbed in the back he's been misunderstood
It's a comfort to know his intentions are good
And he sits in his room with a lock on the door
With his maps and his medals laid out on the floor
And he likes to be known as the angry young man

I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage
I found that just surviving was a noble fight
I once believed in causes too
I had my pointless point of view
And life went on no matter who was wrong or right

And there's always a place for the angry young man
With his fist in the air and his head in the sand
And he's never been able to learn from mistakes
So he can't understand why his heart always breaks
And his honor is pure and his courage is well
And he's fair and he's true and he's boring as hell
And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man
It bothers me greatly that she would do this. But her right to do this is a lot of what America is all about. She enjoys her freedom but does not appreciate it. Nor, I'm sure does she give much thought as to what sacrifices were made to attain and preserve those freedoms. I can not think of many people who deserve more respect than this than our service men and women. I wonder what she thinks of them when she thumbs her nose at our flag.
I wonder what the people in the service think about this. Free speech is a good thing, but if you can't appreciate this country, then leave.

Our country will be better off without people like her.
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