I have an older (92 years old to be exact) neighbor, Fred, from just down the street who is a pretty smart fellow. His education has come not only from books, but from his observations of life and he's probably about the cleverest old boy I've met in quite some time.
He usually makes it a habit to stop in for a cup of coffee and to chat if he sees the doors open or the lights on in my shop out back in the barn when he goes for his morning walk around the neighborhood and some of his observations can be worth paying close attention to.
The subject of this morning's converstation sort of relates to some of the things I've posted in recent weeks here on the forum and I did not bring the subject up; my old friend simply offerred up his thoughts. It went sorta like this:
"You know", he said, "I've been trying to figure out, for many years, why there are so many stupid people around, and I think I've finally come up with the reason."
"And what would that be?", I asked.
"Consumer Protection."
"Most of us grew up without air bags or seatbelts in our cars, safety levers on our lawn mowers, ground fault electrical outlets, belt guards, PTO guards, pilot lights, warning lights, warning stickers, OSHA and all the other crap we have now.
You see, back then most stupid people got caught in their own stupidity and were killed. Now with all the Consumer Protection garbage, these really stupid people are living forever. They inter-marry, breed like stray cats, grow up and fill our colleges and then enter government. The natural selection process where these idiots were culled out of society has been corrupted."
I think Fred may be onto something here!
He usually makes it a habit to stop in for a cup of coffee and to chat if he sees the doors open or the lights on in my shop out back in the barn when he goes for his morning walk around the neighborhood and some of his observations can be worth paying close attention to.
The subject of this morning's converstation sort of relates to some of the things I've posted in recent weeks here on the forum and I did not bring the subject up; my old friend simply offerred up his thoughts. It went sorta like this:
"You know", he said, "I've been trying to figure out, for many years, why there are so many stupid people around, and I think I've finally come up with the reason."
"And what would that be?", I asked.
"Consumer Protection."
"Most of us grew up without air bags or seatbelts in our cars, safety levers on our lawn mowers, ground fault electrical outlets, belt guards, PTO guards, pilot lights, warning lights, warning stickers, OSHA and all the other crap we have now.
You see, back then most stupid people got caught in their own stupidity and were killed. Now with all the Consumer Protection garbage, these really stupid people are living forever. They inter-marry, breed like stray cats, grow up and fill our colleges and then enter government. The natural selection process where these idiots were culled out of society has been corrupted."
I think Fred may be onto something here!