Another outlook on the condition of the Human animal



I have an older (92 years old to be exact) neighbor, Fred, from just down the street who is a pretty smart fellow. His education has come not only from books, but from his observations of life and he's probably about the cleverest old boy I've met in quite some time.
He usually makes it a habit to stop in for a cup of coffee and to chat if he sees the doors open or the lights on in my shop out back in the barn when he goes for his morning walk around the neighborhood and some of his observations can be worth paying close attention to.

The subject of this morning's converstation sort of relates to some of the things I've posted in recent weeks here on the forum and I did not bring the subject up; my old friend simply offerred up his thoughts. It went sorta like this:

"You know", he said, "I've been trying to figure out, for many years, why there are so many stupid people around, and I think I've finally come up with the reason."

"And what would that be?", I asked.

"Consumer Protection."

"Most of us grew up without air bags or seatbelts in our cars, safety levers on our lawn mowers, ground fault electrical outlets, belt guards, PTO guards, pilot lights, warning lights, warning stickers, OSHA and all the other crap we have now.

You see, back then most stupid people got caught in their own stupidity and were killed. Now with all the Consumer Protection garbage, these really stupid people are living forever. They inter-marry, breed like stray cats, grow up and fill our colleges and then enter government. The natural selection process where these idiots were culled out of society has been corrupted."

I think Fred may be onto something here!
Ol' Fred hit the nail on the head, I think.
One thing he didn't mention was respect for other earthly inhabitants and respect for nature.
Kat I think he was talking EXACTLY about that! THAT is all that is on the minds of THEM folks! If you talk to enough older folk that have lived UNPROTECTED lives you will see they have other, more important, things on their minds than "other earthly inhabitants". They have had to worry about their OWN...

It appears to me that you are missing one very important fact when it comes to the ecology issue.

It is not a matter of whether or not the planet will continue to support human, animal and plant life if we humans do not start to change the way we think and act.

It is only a matter of for how long.

The scary part is that so many people wil not admit the fact that this is a huge problem; it's easier to not talk about it, or to try and ridicule those who do bring up the subject, call them names and stick their own heads back in the sands of ignorance.
If we can't see it, it will go away!
Unfortunately, this atitude has been ongoing for years now and the longer it continues, the worse the problem grows.

The human race cannot continue on its present path without some very dire consequences.
Perhaps there will be an awakening of human consciousness before we pass the point of no return.
And there is a point where the planet will no longer be able to rejuvenate itself if we continue along the path of natural destruction chosen by we mere mortals.

It is not the path upon which we are treading at present!
Betsy, I have no idea who you are, where you live, or how old you are, and yet you have learned (somehow) to to abuse the environment and disparage those who do care.
I honestly feel sorry for you.
Betsy said:
Kat I think he was talking EXACTLY about that! THAT is all that is on the minds of THEM folks! If you talk to enough older folk that have lived UNPROTECTED lives you will see they have other, more important, things on their minds than "other earthly inhabitants". They have had to worry about their OWN...

Those who ignore the history of the planet and the consequences wreked in such a short time will be suffering long after us folk are gone.
You sound, to me, like a pampered, spoiled child and I suggest that before you spout off again about a subject that you are obviously ignorant about that you try to learn about the current state of the environment, vanished species, endangered species, rainforests, global warming, fossil fuels, pollution and it's dangers, and so much more.
Knowledge is a wonderful thing and many of us have learned from mistakes made by others.
You should consider yourself very fortunate to be a human who has the choice to make even a small contribution to the Earth and it's future.
Spotted Owls again huh? Save the woodlands that many needed to make their living. When in nature the owls will have to adapt to nest the same way as my and your forefathers did when coming to this continent..
Save the wetlands.. Don't allow New Orleans to build the levy higher.. Drown hundreds of folks instead and cost every home in USA $600.
Don't allow nuclear plants or oil refineries to be built.. Cost every home in USA countless $ for unneeded oil.
Pollution costs have been enormous. All of the questionable companies have sent their manufacturing to other countries where the pollution is allowed even worse than before our present laws.
Only those that have had little else to do and have led lives sheltered by the rest of us lobby for many of these things.
As far as extinction goes many more animals have become extinct before the introduction of humans to this earth than since..
Natural selection includes the survival of the fittest... I am one of those. My heart don't bleed much for anything.
... I am one of those. My heart don't bleed much for anything.

Betsy, I truly feel sorry for you......may you be happy continuing to wallow in your heartlessness.
as you all know i refuse to engage in any discussion with betsy, lets just say i agree with you KAT and one day hope she sees the trees in spite of the forest and leave it at that
Those are my exact feelings... How about a fool and his money are soon parted.. Do you'ns feel any kinship there?
As long as ONE can write about their leanings so can ALL.
My Mama tought me as long as I did not help myself nobody else was going to help me.
It is very hard for me to consider giving my money to a 300lb person, sitting in the shade on their porch, waiting for more money.
de7xwcc said: my fav. charity

i belive you know where i am coming from KAT

I sure do de7xxx and the HSUS, NWF, IFW and many more.

I'm not wasting pity on the Betster, not worth it when someone thinka they are so perfectly correct. Mr T would say "Pity The Fool", but I have more important things to be concerned with.
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