Any electricians on the forum?

Ok, so I'm thinking about buying 5 acres of recreational property.

The red star is where the transformer is located. Also at that point I will put a meter and a 200Amp Feed thru box something similar to So I can have power on that side of the land.

From there to the blue star I will run 4/0-4/0-2/0 AL URD. The run up to the blue star will be 450'. At that point I will have another 200 Amp box. for now we are just going to have a camper and a shed there, but plan to retire there with a small house of 1200 sqft. The power company says i'll be fine, but an electrican I talked with says I shoud put a transformer where the blue diamond is also. :confused: The electric company at this time won't put a transformer there.

I'll ask my dad if he know anything about it, but 0000 and 00 guage wire is pretty big. From what I can tell, 0000 is 0.00004961 Ohms per foot. Over 450 feet, that's 0.0225 ohms over the whole run.

Watt Dissipation = (E^2)*R.

120 volts squared times .0225 ohms = 14,400 * .0225 = 324 watts of dissipation

The ground lead (.00007875 OpF) would be 505 watts.

Voltage Drop = Current times resistance

200 amps * .0225 = 4.5 volts lost across run

Does that help any?
Bucky, it will work, but it's not ideal. Over that long a distance, any large amperage draw would be noticeable with dimming lights and slow startup in AC or electric heat.

My husband also says to use copper wire for long a distance -- also, since copper is so expensive, it might be cheaper to pay to power company to put in a 2nd transformer.
Bucky, it will work, but it's not ideal. Over that long a distance, any large amperage draw would be noticeable with dimming lights and slow startup in AC or electric heat.

My husband also says to use copper wire for long a distance -- also, since copper is so expensive, it might be cheaper to pay to power company to put in a 2nd transformer.


It was 150 feet from the transformer to our old house. Then from the house, there was a 75 foot underground cable supplying the shop.

When the Air Conditioner or Air Compressor kicked on, you could tell. The whole house dimmed. Keeping in mind an AC motor will drw 2-3 times it's rated amperage when starting.
Well, good news. My NEW LOCAL electrician talked to the power company and they are going to tap into the primary at the green star and run secondary to the blue star where the meter will be. Funny thing is they are only charging me 100.00 to tap into the primary now. so instead of 3100.00 for 450' it's only going to be 1900.00 for 250' Thank god the electrician and the power co work together alot. That may have helped.

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