Can somebody please look over this and make sure I didn't overlook anything? The magnetic reed switches and relay coils are ran directly from the battery at a low amperage (is the resistor needed?). The top coil will always be active unless the main reed says otherwise, only one bottom will be active at a time.
This is for the robot steering system. The top reed indicated the steering is straight ahead, the left lower reed is that the steering is locked left, right lower reed is steering locked right. The diodes are to prevent coil spike where applicable, and to stop motor movement in specified direction where applicable.
As shown- Is not straight, is not at a locked angle.
If it is straight, center reed cuts off the entire circuit (stops the motor in all directions). The picoswitch (acivated by remote control) re-energizes the steering system to remove from center. If wheel is cut left, the motor can only rotate right because that relay is de-energized, switching flow through the diode rather than straight path. Same for other side.
ALSO- is it possible to have a common ground for 2 batteries of different voltage (7.2V, 12V) if the positives are 100% isolated?
This is for the robot steering system. The top reed indicated the steering is straight ahead, the left lower reed is that the steering is locked left, right lower reed is steering locked right. The diodes are to prevent coil spike where applicable, and to stop motor movement in specified direction where applicable.
As shown- Is not straight, is not at a locked angle.
If it is straight, center reed cuts off the entire circuit (stops the motor in all directions). The picoswitch (acivated by remote control) re-energizes the steering system to remove from center. If wheel is cut left, the motor can only rotate right because that relay is de-energized, switching flow through the diode rather than straight path. Same for other side.
ALSO- is it possible to have a common ground for 2 batteries of different voltage (7.2V, 12V) if the positives are 100% isolated?