What I don't understand is Logano and Ragan running off to hit dirt tracks or jump in a Corvette in a different series on race weekend. Home Depot couldn't have been happy seeing Joey in that big practice wreck.
Dave Ragan is just plain spacey, IMO. He started the year with a huge brain fart at Daytona, banzaied himself halfway out of the chase at Pocono and finished himself off trying to take from a road racer on the last lap at WG.
I've waffled a bit on that accident, but I've always said Dave made a dramatic move into Said. Dave say's that Boris could have backed off, but why didn't Dave get off him after first contact?
It doesn't seem that Dave has learned anything at all. I watch him on restarts week after week, and he blocks like a mad man. People have been giving him a lot, but now we're coming to the end of the season. If he doesn't start driving out his windshield, I see a lot of walls in Dave's future.
2 years ago, Kez berated Hamlin, telling him he doesn't respect what NW means to the regulars working hard to get the opportunity he had handed to him. I don't think Joey and Ragan fully understand how lucky they are. It's time to get to work boy's and fix what's broken with your driving. Chopping front ends, aggressive blocking and feeling entitled to positions you haven't earned isn't working.
At the beginning of the year, Kez wasn't very good on restarts, and he came out and said it himself. The past 2 weeks, we saw him stay side by side with Kyle, one of the best on restarts. Huge improvement. IMO, on that last restart at WG, Kyle was banking on clearing Kez into turn 1 and grabbing that extra grip on the inside. He does try to move down, but Kez was there and Kyle had to brake harder than his car could handle. That's the work ethic Joey and Ragan seem to lack.