Been doing season tickets since '96 , turn 2 exit. Usually do the BGN in fall and the Trucks in spring. Camp if you can, traffic is murder in and out. If going to WC and you leave late, Henricos finest do tend to close down roads, did it to Meadowbridge Road last spring.
Usually park behind backstretch or satellite parking and ride the tram. In the past, RIR has opened track gates early, but last fall delayed opening track gates due to security concerns (aka 911).Whether they do that this year remains to be seen. Camping: if you want to stay a week, do Azalea gardens. Any where else you can set up on the fly, know backstretch parking and satellite have campers there..Forget about asking for RIR's own turn 4 camping...booked for ever, unless your doing an IRL race.
If you do WC, make a day of it, get there early, and be prepared to go late.. If it rains....bring something dry, we loaned out 2-3 tarps to nearby tailgaters in last Springs deluge. Bringing cooler depends on what gate you use and how determined the security person is...crap shoot. Scanners......if you sit under RIR press box by S/F line, TV/Radio bleeds very badly into your signals...very badly.
And if RIR bugs you to much, go to Martinsville, traffics better, better sight lines from Gstands, tickets are easy to get and racing is just as good
See ya all at Rockingham!!!!